Running decreases vertical leap?!


Running decreases vertical leap?

Last week I was able to touch the rim for the first time ever! I'm 6 foot 186 pounds, and would like to dunk some day. Though I have read somewhere that running long distances would be counter productive to my goal and decrease my vertical, I would like to know if this is true cause it wouldn't hurt to burn some fat. :)


It wouldn't be Counter-Productive. It just wouldn't be directed precisely to your goals. If your main goal is to increase jumping height then you could be doing more than running long distances.

Long distance running is great for your heart. It increases endurance and can help improve your game by giving you the energy needed to play all 4 quarters. However, it will not increase your jumping height.

You really need to focus on your calf and leg muscles if you want to increase your jumping height. Buy a jump rope and try jumping for 30 minutes a day. I guarantee you will increase your jumping height in a week or two. And you will continue to increase as long as you keep jumping.

However, you should still continue to run 3-5 days a week. This will help keep your % body fat down. And, the less weight you have to lift, the higher you will be able to jump.

Also, you can do weighted lunges and squats to increase your leg muscle mass (but I'm sure you already knew that) as well as toe raises. Do toe raises any time you're just standing around. Say, every time you're in an elevator, washing your hands, and waiting in line, do your toe raises. Who cares if you look kinda dumb, you'll be the one dunking the ball in a few weeks!! :)

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