How tall and skinny do you have to be a model at age 14?!


How tall and skinny do you have to be a model at age 14?

When i was little people know i could become a model! I went to and they told that i was to short and heavy i was sad and felt that i should give up my dream of being a model! But i never quit trying! I need some help! I'm 5'3, 13 years old,115 pounds, and have acne on my forehead! I'm trying to lose weight and trying to get the acne off of my forehead and trying to grow taller but nothing is working! PLEASE HELP ME!


hey well drink lots of much as you is good for the skin and good for you..

eat healthy foods..non-consertrated smoothies are a good way of getting your fruit intake..

Remember you need a range of different fruits and vegetables..different colours!

try health food stores..

yes..modeling agences do want thin models..thats the way it is..

kate moss one of the worlds best models is shorter than the average model..look it up on google you will see!

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