Thick waist - long winded question?!


Thick waist - long winded question?

Hi. I am a 13 yr old girl, 5'2 and 130 pounds. My waist is 34 or 35 inches around but I am active with a flat muscular stomach. I have a wide back and big bones, which might explain why my waist is so HUGE, but is it still unhealthy? According to some formula one TV the waist shouldn't be more than half your height - 31 inches! My stomach isn't that small even if it's sucked in! Is it okay to have a thick tummy if it is mostly muscle and not fat?
Most people on here say they have like a 30 inch waist! It's a bit embarassing. No matter what there is also a bit of fat on my lower stomach and underarms. Is there any way to get rid of it? Thanks...


Just make sure you are measuring correctly. You measure the narrowest part of the waist, which is your natural waistline. So if you stand in front of a full length mirror and bend to the side, where a crease forms is your natural waistline and that is the part you need to measure. It's usually a bit above your belly button. See diagram:

I'm just thinking maybe you are measuring across the belly button or the lower part of the stomach which is your navel measurement and not your waist measurement. It's your waist measurement that you need to be kept below 32 inches.

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