How good are mini trampolines for fitness and what sort of use is needed for max!


How good are mini trampolines for fitness and what sort of use is needed for maximum benefits?

Do you just walk on them or jog or what?


A mini-trampoline should be used regularly and frequently, ideally several times a day, for as long as you can bear. The normal method is a kind of slow, rhythmic running, but you can also bounce on the spot, legs-out-legs-in, like jumping jacks (with or without arm movements). This kind of gentle, repetitive movement burns a lot of fat (adding more effort would just increase the amount of sugar you use, and make you tired & hungry).

Jogging, or better still skipping ('Jumping Rope' in the USA) will give you more of a workout more conveniently. The only advantage about the trampoline, is that it puts a lot less strain on your joints, than running or skipping does. That can be really useful if you think that your knees, ankles, hips, back, or neck (all of which can suffer from running or skipping) might be vulnerable to impact damage, if you already have some known damage, or if you're recovering from an injury.

However, it also limits the rate you can work at. Mostly, it's a gimmick, but some people can find the movement feels very comfortable, and will be able to stick with it. For others, it can be tedious and irritating.

If you want something you can do frequently while you're watching TV or listening to music, then it might be an interesting alternative to an exercise bike.

The ones with a handle usually come with an instruction sheet showing various kinds of kicks and twists you can do to make the routine more interesting.

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