Am I fat or alright?!

Question: Am I fat or alright!?
I'm a few weeks shy from being 18!. I currently weigh 143 lbs!. I wear a size 8 pant/jeans!. I'm 5'7!.

How much weight do I need to lose!? Is this a really bad weight!? I feel disgusting!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My friend is 5'8 and 150 lbs and she looks amazing! but if you feel disgusting i wouldn't suggest going on a "diet" just add some exercise and eat sensible, but don't deprive your self of treats when you crave it, just do it in moderation!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

do not check your BMI!. BMI will tell you nothing!. It doesn't take into account your bone structure or muscle mass!. Weight really doens't tell you what you need to know either becuase it doesn't tell you how much of it is fat in comparison to the rest of you!.

You need to be able to do a body fat analysis!. Without your body fat %, I don't know if you're fat or not!. You sound to be in a normal range but could stand to lose 5-10lbs, but I odn't know for sure!. A personal trainer will be able to do a body fat analysis for you!. If you don't want to do a body fat composition, then you'll just have to do the eyeball test!. If you look fat and flabby, then you probably need to lose some weight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There is a Calorie calculate programe
Healthy Weight Range Calculator
More infomation the link:http://search!.yahoo!.com/search!?p=%22Heal!.!.!.
When you have this question, please calculate in this site!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow, sounds just like me at 18! I think you're healthy as is, but a good way to be sure is to check your BMI (body mass index), it will tell you if your body fat is at a good level, and that's what really counts!Www@Answer-Health@Com

your fine! 5 7 is pretty darn tall!. and 8 jeans is totally normal! don't worry!.

can anyone help!?

You sound fine, you don't need to lose weight!. If you are feeling flabby, then just tone up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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