Will bench pressing heavy weight help me get pecks?!

Question: Will bench pressing heavy weight help me get pecks!?
Right Now I am doing 6 sets of 5 reps!. I am doing the weight in which I can only do 5 times which is 115 pounds!. Will doing this help me get bigger muscles than doing 10 reps!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You got it, bud!. The formula for a "bulk workout" which is just to get your muscles bigger, is lifting heavy weights fewer times!. sets of 5 is ideal!.
If you go the other way and do sets of 10+, thats what you call a toning workout and it can make you bigger, but it mostly focuses on your muscle tone (gets you ripped!)
But to answer you question, I'd keep doing what you're doing!. ALSO: What is important is that you dont want to just keep doing the same workout every day!. First of all, you should be working out each muscle group every other day!. Secondly, switch up your workouts for the same muscle, for instance, you can bench press today and do incline bench, decline bench Flyes, pushups or dips the next time you work out!. Don't let your body get used to one workout!. You won't get anywhere!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Bench pressing will definately help to build pects, along with pushups, dumbell presses, and flys!. According to a few books that I have read (bodybuilder's bible and the sort) it is better if you pick a weight that you can do many sets of 6-8 reps to build mass and strength!. I also like to add a max at the end of my workout of only two reps to see how quickly I am gaining, but that is personal preference!. Age, diet, and general body composure will also have a lot to do with your ability to gain pects!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just lift until failure, when your muscles can't possibly work any longer!. Then rest the muscles for 5 days!. Interject some push ups and free-weight presses to keep your muscles responsive!. Also, work the fly cables and always take some time to stretch!. You won't get big overnight!. It takes a while!. If you work hard at it, you'll see the results you WANT to see in about 3 months!.

Also, don't listen to anyone who says low weight and lots of reps will make you stronger or more toned or whatever, its not really true!. Its the kind of exercises you do that will produce the optimum result!.

Running will make your muscles hard!. (Look at Lance Armstrong)!. Hitting the heavy bag will make you cut!. (Bruce Lee, friggin awesome example!.) Low weight and lots of reps will give you a quick pump for the day!. (Body Builders do it with elastic bands and resistance exercise!.) And plyometrics, which are the calculated bursts of energy to lift weight (e!.g!. Holding a 35lb plate above your head and jumping up onto a bench will work your calves and hams), will strengthen your muscles at their very core!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you want to get stronger, doing 3-5 reps is a good number, however doing 6 sets is too much!. You should do 3 sets of 3-5 reps, as this will make you stronger and build muscle!. The way you are doing it now, you are mostly toning what muscle you have, not building new muscle!. I would suggest trying a slightly heavier weight than you are doing right now, so that after the third set, you can no longer do any more quality reps!.
Good Luck and keep up the hard work!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would recomend rotating your workout!.

What i mean is have two week cycles!. week 1 you do reps of 6-8 for building large muscle!.

Week 2 - is 100 week, where you do 5 sets of 20 and change the weight to compensate for fatigue!.

This will make you stronger all round!.

Also remember to work your legs!. Don't be the guy who is all upper body and no legs!. people will make fun if you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well first remember the bench itself is not a great pec builder the way most people do it!. The way I see most trainees do it gives them way too much anterior delt and tricep work!. Keep your shoulders pulled down into bench and you may not want to lock out the arms at the top!. Concentrate on pretending to try and bend the bar as you push it up and you'll work the pecs harder!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should start with 10-12 reps, and decrease in reps while increasing weight until you get to 4-6Www@Answer-Health@Com

more reps will give u more toned mucles less reps but more weight will giv u bigger muclesWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes it will, also try pushupsWww@Answer-Health@Com

No do light weight , high reps!.

heavy weight only increses strengthWww@Answer-Health@Com

if u wanna work ur abs, ury situpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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