Only fat in pictures?!


Only fat in pictures?

Just when I start to feel pretty good I see a picture of myself and its ruined. I recently went from 160lbs to 145lbs. I feel like when I see a mirror, I look pretty good. But for some reason I still look like a heifer on film. My measurements are 36-31-40 and I'm 5'4". Does anyone else have this issue of having a high self esteem most of the time until you see a bad picture and then you question your ability to analyze yourself? Do my measurements sound okay to you? I guess I'm just not sure if I should be feeling as confident as I do most of the time when I still look awful in pictures.


i dread being in pictures even though not all of them are bad. it is the ONE bad picture that can just depress me for days!

i truly believe that pictures are a bad way to judge yourself. why don't you get a video of yourself and see if you like what you see on the video. if you still think you look a little heavy than you know what you need to work on but if you think you look great then just avoid looking at the developed pics!

Unfortunately some people just aren't photogenic. my MIL is a very pretty lady - if i posted a pic of her you would never believe me - she hasn't even taken a good photograph! the same with my grandmother. good pictures of her are hard to come by too. she gets so upset still - at 80 years old! lol

congrats on the weight lost! SD

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