How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?!

Question: How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat!?
What are some good exercises that will target your stomach area!? Thank you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sit ups and crutches help a lot!.

One thing that helped me lose about 50 pounds, was running/jogging!. I was first lazy, but them i got some determination!. Soon or later i lost 50 pounds!. However, u have to avoid fatty foods, and u have to eat!. If ur hungry, thats bad!. It means you body isnt getting enough protien or carbohydrates, to let you body run, so u might feel fatige!. Not eating is not gonna help u lose weight, it will worsen ur immune system!. But lets get to the points, sit ups and crutches will help u lose weight!. Or lay on ur back, and just lift ur head up as far as u can, and keep that hold as long as u can!. Do this every five seconds until u get tired!. This will help!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are no exercises that will burn fat from only one area!. Fat is burned from all over your body!.

If you want to lose fat just eat a healthy diet and get cardio exercise like running or cycling for 20-30 minutes atleast 3 days a week!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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