Are my drastic changes for better health and weight loss unhealthy?!


Are my drastic changes for better health and weight loss unhealthy?

I used to (from 2006-to-recently): eat all the time, eat whatever i want, never really went outside for over a year, never ate healthy, never ate fish or fruits and veggies, never exercised for over a year, sit down in front of a computer for 9 hours a day. (5'10", 195 lbs) (bmi of 28, considered overweight)

i now: eat subway everyday, eat only when hungry (3-4 times a day), no longer eat anything unhealthy, power walk 2-4 miles everyday, have about 20-40 minutes of tae-bo everyday, lift weights for about 30 minutes every day, take 2 green tea weight loss pills every day, eat fruits and grains.

i am going for losing 45 lbs by the last week of august.

too much, or just right? i feel exhausted everyday, but i really cant stand being fat anymore. its destroying my selfesteem and my ability to get in a pool and get a girl.

im not fat, fat...i just look like a sumo with a shirt off.

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
also, will i have loose skin that still make me look fat, and will my stretch marks go away?


Wow thats a lot of questions. First off, healthy weight loss is 2-3 lbs a week. So if 45 lbs by the last week of August is realistic, I'd need to know when you started.

You should increase the amount of times each day that you eat. You should be eating 5-6 times a day to increase your metabolism. I think the activity level seems fine, if possibly a bit much. But you will notice that it gets easier over time.

Set lil self esteem goals. Instead of concentrating so much on the big picture--set little goals. Walk the 2-4 miles and not feel so exhausted. Losing 5 lbs. If the scale doesn't move that week, see if your inches has changed. Often as its changing from fat to muscle, you will have gained as much muscle as you lost.

Remember you are losing weight for your own health and well being. It isn't going to make you a better person. It isn't going to suddenly make everything perfect. But you will be healthier and feel better. Remember the most attractive thing is confidence. Don't obsess about weight. However having goals and acheiving them is very admirable.

At first you are going to feel exhausted every day--after all it's been a long time with no exercise. Your body has no idea what you are doing. But it should get easier the more you do it. If not, consider talking to a doctor about it.

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