Please help me! i dont know how to control myself!!?!


Please help me! i dont know how to control myself!!?

i cant control my eating habits. its getting really hard. recently, we had a 8 day program at our school where we went to the city everyday. i ate so much food it wasnt funny. i spent over $100 in food and nothing else. i am down to my last $50 in my bank and i started off with $480 at the start of the year.
please give me tips on how to stop my eating.....i am getting fat
besides the obvious answer of self-control

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
i'm getting cravings for hot chips right now.................please help me fast


Sit quietly with yourself and ask the question: what is it I REALLY need? Are you eating because you are stressed? or other emotional reasons? Are you lonely? frustrated? mad at someone? Sometimes we medicate with food. If you sense the answer is one of those, then deal with the emotional aspect.
Secondly, if you are craving fats like salty chips, you may have gotten somewhat addicted to fast food which is full of crap. Make a large salad with greens, tomatoes, cukes, green beans, radishes and apply a simple vinegrette dressing (lemon jc, olive oil, garlic). Sit in a quiet place and eat it slowly enjoying the flavors, the crunch. Also eat some good protein (chicken, beef, fish) without coating, deep frying in oil, etc. CLEAN food. The protein will satisfy your hunger. Then keep a cold, crunchy Gala apple on you for when you get a craving. It really is delicious. In a few days, you will come to enjoy good food.

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