Your healthy routines..what are they?!


Your healthy routines..what are they?

What do you do to stay healthy?
Vitamins?, which ones?
Excercize? what type?
Foods, what type of diet? you drink pure water?
What else do you do to maintain good health?

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2 weeks ago
Mikey, Can a Tequila Sunrise be substituted in place of a healthy dose of Whiskey? ;~)


Lots of good fresh fruit and vegetables, less meat and milk products. NO processed snack foods at all. If it comes in a brightly coloured plastic or foil bag, it's not for me.

I try to eat home-cooked. It's cheaper and I know what's in it, how fresh it was, and what my hygiene standards are. I am an ovolactovegetarian, which means I eat milk products and eggs but not meat.

Water is soo important, at least 2 l. a day. Bottled, filtered or tap, our body needs to be hydrated with pure water--no sugar, colours or chemicals. A cup of tea or coffee, no more than twice a day, and usually decaf.

Exercise is vital. I'm supposed to walk at least 30 min twice a day but I have to say I forget sometimes, or just get busy. Where I live in S. Spain it's now VERY hot so that means walking before say noon, or after about 9 pm.

And--enough rest and sleep. Computer and TV off after 9.30 PM to give my brain time to relax and cool down. So many people are sleep deprived and don't know it. When you're exhausted you don't rest as well as when you create a natural rhythm and follow it.

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