How can I add some mucsle and lose some extra lbs in 2 weeks? ( best answer free!


How can I add some mucsle and lose some extra lbs in 2 weeks? ( best answer free points)?

I just wanna lose a couple extra pounds and add some mucsle mass, any good ideas?



to loose the weight:
run like a mile or so every day for a week try and eat healthy foods that week. Running for a half hour burns about 800-1000 calories depending on your age and speed. Regardless, when you first start running you burn alot of fat quick!!!

To gain muscle:
work out with weights every other day. Note the every other day part. When you lift weights, do as many as you can until you start to feel a burning sensatioin. When you get to this point do 7-10 more. This will really tear your muscles down. When your muscles grow back, they grow back stronger, and bigger (almost like building another small thin layer) This is how your muscles will get big everytime. ITS IMPORTANT to go every other day because you need to give your muscles time to grow back. Do legs one day and upper body the next so that you dont have to go days without doing anything. Your core (abs) can be worked out everyday though

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