Water diet?Who has heard about it before.!

Question: Water diet!?Who has heard about it before!.
I am about to start but i don't have a clue on how to start and when to stop!.I need to loose some pounds guys!Www@Answer-Health@Com

water diet!? grapefruit diet!? Hollywood diet!? cabbage diet!? lots of one food diets out there and they are so totally boring you stick to them exactly 4 days then go way way off and eat anything and everything in sight for the next 3 months to forget about that boring event!. And gain big time from the binge!


any of the 3 above sites is a good choice for setting up a good healthy lifestyle plan for weight loss, toning the muscles and are FREE! Check them out for a better plan than what you are contemplating!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I hope you don't mean to just fast, drinking only water!? That is very bad!
The water diet I know about was published in the periodical "First", in theAugust 20th 2007 issue!. The plan is that you start your day with 8oz!. of hot lemon water (juice of 1/2 lemon and 1tsp!. of grated lemon zest) then alternate hot and cold water throughout the day!.- Alternate drinking a glass of hot lemon water with ice water every hour!. Also, drink likewarm water before meals and snacks this was supposed to help you drop up to 30 lbs by Labor Day(according to the article)!.
This is based on the premise that dehydration slows down all of your cell's functions, and that the combination of hot and cold water helps to boost your metabolism, and dtoxify your body(toxins are stored in fat, away from your body's vital organs)!. It really does make sense!. I have not tried it, because I forgot about it!. Thanks for asking the question, which caused me to dig this article out!. I think I'll give it a try!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

The water diet is very, very dangerous!. there are no nutritional values to it!. You need vitamins, minerals some protiens and you won't get that from the water diet!. What you will get is very sick, anorexia eventually!. Please reconsider and go on a sensible diet, exercise, keep away from fats, fried foods, fast foods etc!. Eat a lot of raw veggies, fruits, yogurts, etc!. there are so many better ways to loose weight and enjoy it than starve yourself with the water diet!. Sure you will loose a lot of weight, but as soon as you go off it, you will gain the weight back!. If you loose it sensibly, you will keep it off and you won't get sick!. think about it please!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Need to lose weight!? Exercise!

If water dieting is when you consume nothing but water, then you're going to get sick!. You can also kill yourself by drinking too much water, I think it's something called Water Toxification or similar!.

If you're going to starve yourself of water, then you're going to be sick!. Dehydration is really bad, and you'll feel like trash!.

Do yourself a favor and change your eating habits!. Add exercise, and eat right!.

Don't give me thumbs down (anyone) because I dislike the easy way out!. I was quite overweight for YEARS before I had enough and changed my life!. Do it right, or it will never last!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's a horrible idea!.

All you will do is make yourself miserable, cause yourself horrible cravings and slow down your metabolism!.

Best thing to do is have 4 to 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism running and make sure you get breakfast to start your fat burning processes first thing in the morning!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you really want to lose weight you need to jack up your metabolism!. You do this by eating 4 to 5 times a day but in small quantities!. Good choices are fruits and vegetables (celery burns up more than you take in) but don't forget the protein!. (Peanut butter on that celery : ) Take daily walks and exercise often!. Good luck and don't try to do this overnight!. Losing weight takes time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok i wouldnt do it too long but if u do i would say the maximum is maybe a week because u cant live on just water alone and also if u wanna do a diet that extreme and dont know about it u probably shouldnt do it!.!.but if u do eat some fruit!.!.have u heard of the fruit diet!.!.well that supposedly works so try that!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I advise people against fad diets all day long!. Torture your body and it will torture you back!. My clients eat 3 balanced meals a day and lose 2 to 3 lbs per week!. Eat healthy and maintain your weight loss goal for a lifetime!. Going on a water diet is a great way make you hate water and ruin your system!. That's just wrong!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't do that to yourself!.!.!.!.!.you'll die eventually!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please don't do that to yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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