What is the lemonade and red pepper diet and how do you do it?!


What is the lemonade and red pepper diet and how do you do it?

I heard something about this phenomenal lemonade diet---I would love to try it just to see if it works. It is all natural too---so consequently, it won't be too dangerous.

Have you tried it and what were your results.


It's lemon, maple syrup & cayenne pepper: 16 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, 16 tablespoons Grade "C" maple syrup and a quater teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Mix with two liters (two quarts) of mineral water (not bubbly) and drink throughout the day. You can drink herbal teas, best will be mint, throughout the day too.
This "diet" is actually a fast and its intended purpose is to cleanse your body from toxins. The mixture is taken to substuite all meals. The fast should last minimum 10 days. You should not take any vitamines to suppliment the "diet" and should absolutely eat nothing at all. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. The mint tea is suggested because on an empty stomach your breath may start to smell and the mint tea should help diminish the odour.
The liquid mix will be calories enough to substitue your meals so, again, you will not need to suppliment with vitamines. You may need to clean you intestine and you can either do this with a natural laxitive or: 1 liter of room temp. water with some epsoms salt before going to bed. You NEED to have a clean intestine after the fist couple of days otherwise the toxins may leach into your system.
The most important part of this fast is actually leaving it. The fist day "after" you should have a glass of orange juice and a glass of the maple syrup mix, at lunch one orange and the mix, in the evening apple sauce and a glass of the mix. Next morning apple sauce and the mix, for lunch an orange + apple sauce and the mix. In the evening a fresh frut cocktail with some maple syrup in it. Third day two pieces of whole wheat bread and an apple and a glass of orange juice, lunch an orange and apple and a glass of juice and that evening a fresh fruit cocktail.
The 4th day you can begin to eat normally.... this doesn't mean binge because you have just purified your internal machine and don't want to overload your system. You should avoid meats. Concentrate on eating wholesome foods - grains, white (steamed) fish, drink plenty of liquids, vegatables. This is chance to change your life. Remember do not smoke (anything) and do not drink alchoholic bevergages.
The fast can be taken to 20 or even 30 days. You should ALWAYS consult with your health care expert before fasting. Folks with diabities may not be able to take in all this maple syrup and should consult their health care expert.
I fasted for 10 days... and felt great. I didn't do it to loose weight... eventhough I lost 12 pounds (I'm 5 feet 11 inches and went from 220 lbs to 209). I went to work, the gym.... continued to live a normal life. Didn't feel bad at all eventhough was told that some folks may feel dizzy the 1st ,2nd or 3rd days. Some people break out with acne or begin to itch and or sweat but this all passes after the 3rd day. Your tounge may be heavy and may have a coat of white but after the 5th or 6th day this should clear up. It's a sign of your body cleaning itself.
Note that you should use grade "C" maple syrup - this is the most nutritional. Even better is a combination of grade "C" and palm tree syrup - check at your healt store to see if they've any of this. Do not use concentrated or frozen lemonn juice - it must be fresh. You'll need appox. 2 lites of syrup for the first 10 days.
You must have the support of the people you live with while fasting. You need peace and quite during your down time. You can continue to work normally but it shouldn't be when you have deadlines to meet. And you must drink an additional two quarts of water a day and the herbal (natural) teas.
I look forward to doing this again in about 8 more months and will do it once a year now.
If you have any more questions ask me.

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