Best things to eat when trying to gain muscle weight?!


Best things to eat when trying to gain muscle weight?

I want to gain muscle weight i have a little bit of fat on my chest and stomach but with a shirt i look skinny i am working out once every other day what should i be eating and how much of it? how many calories should i be eating to gain muscle help please???


alright well first off u need 3 things for your muscles to grow. 1) Working out 2) PROTEIN!! 3) REST!
of course u need to work out to gain muscle and alot of protein helps. also dont take rest for advantage. your muscles need time to grow. a good amound of protein is one gram of protein to one pound of body weight. so if u weight 200 intake 200 grams of protein. split up your meals. have a protein shake in the morning, lunch and with dinner and b4 u go to bed.if you get a good one with around 50 grams in it, its not a problem then. also you can NEVER have too much protein. your body just discharges it. also after you work out, within the hour after wards u NEED to get protein and carbs into your body. so have a shake and like a sandwich. or even a fruit would be good cuz most shakes have carbs. it is always easier to gain muscle from fat than gaining muscle from nothing. try a weight gainer shake also. that will help you put on weight and as your working out it will not just turn to fat but mostly muscle. give that a shot. just remember alot of protein!

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