Am i worring too much?!


Am i worring too much?

i am 15 years old and im 5'7". i weigh 152. am i over weight for my age? dose anyone know the weight i should be if i am? im worried.

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2 weeks ago
the thing is, i feel like everybody can see that i have large thighs. its like my weight is holding me back from doing everyday things like the other day, i went on a walk. i wasnt even 5 minutes into it and i felt like i needed to sit down. i dont seem to have very much energy lately and i think im gaining seems like im always hungry. should i get help with this? do i need to diet?


It's a heck of a lot easier to develop healthy life habits and lose a few pounds now!

I'm 29 and recently (about a year ago) had a discussion with my doctor in which he told me that my weight was as unhealthy as smoking a pack a day. I was dumbfounded! At 5'8" and 176 pounds I didn't think I looked bad, or felt bad. After that doctor visit I just ate less food, I stopped eating when I was full. As a challenge to myself I fasted from all soda and any kind of beverage that wasn't water (for three months) just doing those two things, no additional exercise I lost 35 pounds. Since then I have realized that I, like millions of other americans, have a food dependency. I live to eat, I really do. It has been really difficult to have a celebration that doesn't involve food. In order to be a healthy person I have to watch carefully what I eat and how I think. I now weigh a much healthier 139 pounds, I try to exercise EVERY DAY and I am successful most days. I feel so much better, I have more energy, I am happier, I feel better about my outward appearance, I am no longer invisible (if you haven't experienced it, this is a phenomena that affects all women who are not attractive - I didn't notice that I had become invisible until I became visible again), my skin is clearer (I had developed a rather sever case of rosacia that is now clearing with the treatment), I am alive again.

Being a little bit heavy is not a big deal if you are happy with your body image. But at your age you are definitely a little heavy (probably about 20 pounds) and developing a healthier life style is much easier at your age than it will be in 10 (or in my case 14) years in the future. When I was 15 I weighed about 115 at 5'8", one could easily argue that was too thin, but then too then isn't the problem that affects 90% of Americans today is it? You'll gain weight as you get older, you don't need to carry an extra 20 pounds with you all the time especially as you enter your 20's and your metabolism slows down. You should be active right now, you should be dating even finding a husband. Get out there, get some exercise, eat fruit and vegetables, you'll feel better for it. It could change your life!

Even if you don't lose a pound, walking shouldn't be a challenge at your age. You're 15 you are probably in the best physical condidtion you will ever be in for the rest of your life. If you're not happy with that change it!

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