What are some ways to get a flatter stomach?!


What are some ways to get a flatter stomach?

i have a flabby one, and i feel self-conscious by wearing a tee shirt. i need to improve my tummy. starting today i have been doing sit ups like crazy, also walking 1 mile a day on my treadmill. this week i am starting to see a personal trainer and do weight training, too.


Lossing weight over all will help your abs, but I have some really great exercises for this.

Lay on the floor and lift your legs up at a 45 degree angle. Lower them to about 3 inches from the floor and repeat about 25 times. Do 3 sets of this.

Lay on the floor and put your hands behind your head, take your right elbow and bring up your left knee to touch it, then do the same with the left elbow to your right knee. Do 15 times, with 3 total sets.

If you have a friend and a medicine ball (but you can do it with a basketball too), lay on the floor and ask your friend to through you the ball. They should throw it just above you and either straight head or to the left or right. each time will be different. You will want to move from your center to catch the ball. This is GREAT for your apps.

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