Sugar intakes?!


Sugar intakes?

im really consurned with how much sugar i've had today, first for breakfast i had 1 cup of Honey Bunches of Oat Honey Roasted cereal with 1/3 cup of reduce fat milk with my protien bar together-13 grams of sugar. then for lunch 2 ham sandwiches with whole wheat bread and a banana together-approximatly 19 grams, not sure about sugar in banana think about 15 grams. Is this bad for what i intook, will it make me fat, i am trying to gain weight, but in a healthy no junky food way. If anyone has ideas on gaining wieght, thanks.


I wouldnt be concerned at all. You are doing very well keeping your diet in check. If you eat like this more often your body will be putting on weight in the right way. Keep up the good work.

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