Alli weight loss pills ????!

Question: Alli weight loss pills !?!?!?!?
I am seventeen, 5'1, and around 130 pounds!. I'm thinking about trying alli to help me lose weight!. Is it safe!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You don't need to lose much weight, maybe 10-15 lbs depending on your body type, and chances are you'll see good results with Alli!.

It WILL make you go to the bathroom a lot more, and can even cause "leaky, greasy" stools, as it says in their product info!. However, lots of people who have had success with Alli say that this just motivated them to control their fat intake!. The more you control your fat intake, the less problem you will have with greasy bowel movements!.

That being said, if you don't want to worry about greasy BM's and possibly having an accident while in public (a distinct possibility)!.!.!.!.losing 10 lbs shoudln't be a massive undertaking!.!.!.!.just modify your diet a bit and increase your exercise!. You should be able to do it the good old fashioned way without taking anything!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) have approved these diet pills so you would want to hope that they are safe!. It is actually a reduced strength version of the prescription only drug called Xenical!.

Because it is an over the counter drug and doesn't require a prescription it has obviously attracted a lot of attention!.

It actually works to reduce the amount of fat being absorbed into the body so there are some side effects associated with it including bowel changes ie!. gas, loose stools, more frequent stools and possible diahhorea if you go over your prescribed meal fat intake!.

Top Diets Reviews-->http://www!.top3reviewsite!.com/top-diet-b!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know about Alli, but I've used Stacker 3 with great success!. Follow the instructions precisely and continue to eat healthy and get plenty of cardio exercise!.

No weight loss pill will get you to lose weight without proper diet and exercise!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if u wana lose weight at home without exercising!.!.!.!.!.!.the best way to lose weight !.
and u will find so many tips for weight loose and weight loose reciepes!.u can try them and lose weight at home easily!.

You should give this product a shot!. It's called Acai Berry and it's new on the market, but already endorsed by people like Oprah! I just ordered a free 14-day trial from this site!.!. do it today! you won't regret it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

alli is safe, the only problem you will have is going to the bathroom alot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not sure about "diet pills", I've found colon cleansing to be helpful in losing weight before, though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please see my answer belowWww@Answer-Health@Com

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