My friend is worried her love handles won't go away if she exercises?!

Question: My friend is worried her love handles won't go away if she exercises!?
If you exercise and do sit ups to tone your stomach muscles and what not, are your love handles also going to go away or are they still going to be in the way and make you look wide!? My friend is worried she might still have them after exercising and losing her belly!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

YES they will go away! crunches/sit-ups & the like are good for ur stomach & abs, but the best exercises for love handles are LEG-LIFTS & LUNGES!. tell her to try those, do a bunch of reps every day and they should start disappearing in no time :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't know who discredited Dr!. Regime's post but I'd like to point out that he is one of the leading doctors in experimental STD prevention through the use of household alternatives and his advice should be taken very seriously!. My advice of course is superior since after all I am the only Maverick Medical Genius who bothers to post on these boards but that said I'm in agreement with Dr!. Regime!.

While you can have an operation to remove your love handles it's highly expensive and can lead to potential permanent scaring, while you can exercise and to an extent shrink the appearance of your love handles they are unfortunately there to stay!.

Personally from a personal point of view, I don't know why you try to get rid of your love handles, they are an excellent handle for which to grab unto when someone needs to move your bedridden body to the couch because you can't lift yourself up with the power of your own legs do to well you know!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Though my degree is in the field of neurosurgery, exercise science also happens to be a passion of mine!. Dr!. Regime offered you valuable insight here!. The best way to melt away that stubborn fat is to literally melt it out with a makeshift heat-skirt!. Now you may be saying to yourself "won't I look awfully silly at the gym with a trash bag around my waist!?" The answer is yes, but you would look at lot siller with those big 'ol love handles flopping around!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they are excess fat, so of course she'll lose them eventually!. it might not be right away but stick it out and they will go away!. However you don't want to just be doing things for your abs, you need to work your back muscles, as well as the one's on your sides!. It will help to target them love handles!.

Now lets face it she's a women we are suppose to have some curls, so if they aren't HUGE, it's not a big deal to begin with!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well I did not get my degree in Pyschology, (Just a M!.D!. at Cornell ) but it sounds like your "friend" is you!. You need to start wearing a black trash bag when you exercise to help you sweat the fat away!. If I am not mistaken you probably have a diet high in starchy carbs and sweets!. Your belly fat will be with you the rest of your life and unfortunately lower your self-esteem to the point of lying about your friend on the internet!.

Do not listen to ams007, he got banned already for giving bad advice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i have the same problem!.!.i finally got them a lot smaller by running a mile everyday and doing the ellipitical for about 30 minutes everyday!.!.but i would definitely do alot of ab crunches and side crunches!.!.also use a 5-10 lb dumbell hold it in your right hand!.!.then, while you are still facing forward, slowly bend to the side and come back up to your original position!. do this about 10-15 times, then switch to the other side!.!.i think this helps alot!.!.

also, DO NOT use a trashbag!.!.it is very unhealthy for you!.!.just don't do it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it just depends on the person!. some people are just built in a way that no matter what they do, they will still be a little chubby in their midsection!. its not a bad thing, its just the way you areWww@Answer-Health@Com

Tell her they are useful during sex!. When a guy is using his George Zimmer sized unit on her, she will be happy he has something to hold onto!.

More cushion for the pullin'Www@Answer-Health@Com

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