Quick fitness quiz for you?!

Question: Quick fitness quiz for you!?
1 What muscles are primarilly worked by pull ups!?
2 What does HIIT stand for!?
3 Muscle ups are a combination of which two exercises!?
4 What is the best exercise for targeting the lower back!?
5 Why are six second abs, the ab lounge, and seated crunches so effective!? ( they are not)
Winner is the person who gets all five right first!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1) Largest = Lats (latisimus dorsi) if you're talking wide overhand grip!.
2) High Intensity Training
3) Never heard of them!. Exercises have loads of different names!. Are they a chin up into high bar dip!? (I call them a gymnast's chin-dip)!.
4) No such thing as "best" - depends on what is appropriate for that person!. Muscles of the lower back or primarily extensors, so some form of extension exercise, obviously!.
5) Like you say, they're not!. I'm guessing they get some results because the people who try them either benefit from placebo effect on their training, are altering a tired training regime for the first time in years, or are going from not doing any exercise to doing these routines - they're better than nothing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


from 1-5 can i sit out!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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