Please help included. please read on?!

Question: Please help me!.!.!.pics included!. please read on!?
so I am working on toning my body!. I've posted a few questions!.
here is my current excersise plan (I have definitley toned down!. I had a really intense one that was hurting not helping)
10 min!. jog with Meri
45 minute walk/run with Bella
ab workout

10 minute jog with Meri
20 minute walk with Bella
leg workout

10 minute jog with Meri
45 minute walk/run with Bella
arm work-out

ab workout
10 minute jog with Meri
20 minute walk with Bella

10 minute jog with Meri
leg work-out

10 minute jog with Meri
arm workout
45 minute walk/jog with Bella

10 minute jog with Meri
rest for the rest of the day

every week my jog with Meri goes up by 5 minutes b/c I am working out her back left leg to help her hips!.

theres the revised one

here are my pics:
bare stomach:

please dont be too harsh!!

just tell me how I can fix this!. I want to be toned!. this is my main focus of my life!.
and yes!. I am obsessing!. I am trying to keep my obsessing to a minimum!.

I can't do any drastic diet things!. I have a meal plan!. per my dietitian!. I am in recovery for an eating disorder!.

please help with any tips and please dont be too harsh about my!.!.stomachWww@Answer-Health@Com

honestly ur hawt!.!.but if u really really wanna tone up it's not a bad thing dont go back to ur eating disorder tho that will only mess up ur body moreand make it harder to tone up toning requires muscle build which requires food and protein and calories eat like ur dietitian said im sure they know what they are doing ur workouts seem great!.!.i mean make sure ur cardio workouts are hard if not hard enough u got some wind left!.!.add 5mins of sprints at the end of ur workouts
those do wonders
also tell ur dietitiian this they will adjust if needed if uwanna get toned tell them they are there to help they wanna help u so ask it wont hurtWww@Answer-Health@Com

You look awesome! If you want to get your stomach more toned, do some ab workouts: Sit-ups, "superman" on your stomach, and (my personal favorite) lay the top half of your body over a surface that is your waist height and grab the sides and pull you feet straight up to the ceiling!. It sounds strange, but it works!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Those are only side pics, of course everyone looks small from the side, its only like a quarter what you are from the front! I can't even see your width!. But I can see your tummy and its really not that bad!. Its actually fine!. Just eat lots of veggies and keep up with your exercise!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you arent fat at all lol :) just try to do some ab exercises if you want to tone down in the belly area a bit!. they will easily work the best "crunches and sit ups" you can probably google ab workouts and find a ton!

please answer mine all who see, thank you!.


You have the same problem as me!.
My stomach looks exactly like yours lol!. bigger around on the bottom!.
lol!. how much have you toned down!?
i think i may try your exersice planWww@Answer-Health@Com

Keep working with your dietitian!. Good for you for being in recovery!!
I know no matter what anyone says, you have your own self image, but your stomach doesn't look bad!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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