Has any ladies done any diet products that actually work?!

Question: Has any ladies done any diet products that actually work!?
I got some hydroxycut the other day!. Haven't used it yet!. does anyone know if it works seriously!. I need 2 lose weight i cant take it anymore!. please help ladiesWww@Answer-Health@Com

no tcc alli cuts down on how much fat intake you get!. which equals yes you still have to work out but you dont really have to bust your but doing it!.

oh also on alli cut down a little on fat iin meals but dont do it completely

i dont know what you look like but you are perfect anyway be yourself!.

also one of my friends he is 47 he is on lap band and he lost alot of weight if you dont know its like stapling but safer and it makes the upper portion of your stomach act like your real stomach when it sections it off and it gradually releases food into the real stomach so you will eat less and still feel fool also they have a port they shoot saline in to make it bigger or smaller

also you can safely loose 2 pounds a week without major side effects anything more you need to fix somethingWww@Answer-Health@Com

I used slim-quick for women - didn't work
I used (forget the name) but promoted by carmen electra - didn't work and effected my sleeping patterns

I started on protilife (found in the supplement section of drugstores) and i have slowly started to loose weight!. It is a meal replacement, high protein, low carb!. I didn't eat it all day long as they recommended, by replaced only one meals with it, and ate sensibly for my other meals, high Fibre, lower fat, high protein options!. I would alternate with slim fast shakes too!. I have lost 4 pounds in one month, combined with moderate exercise!.

-A heavier person would probably lose more weight than i did, i am 4'11 (101 pounds) down to 97 pounds on that diet!.
so i didn't really have a weight problem, just wanted to lose a few pounds!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would drink Celsius energy drinks every morning and every time I needed a pick-me-up, as well as a lower calorie and saturated fat diet!. Celsius is proven to burn calories, and can be found at Wallgreens and Meijer stores!. It contains a lot of B vitamins, and EGCG which is an antioxidant found in green tea!. It helped me shed 30 pounds safely at a steady pace over about 3 months!. It's great, I suggest it for everybody wanting an easy way to shed a little excess weight!. Best of luck to you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was on Weight Watchers!. I know it isn't a product, but it works!.
I lost 14 pounds in 6 weeks on it!. I had to drop it due to having to tighten up my budget, but if you do WW and commit to it, you will lose weight!.

My girlfriend use Alli and it worked for her!. She lost 20 pounds over the summer!. By the way, she is also a pharmacist by trade!. She looks good and has more energy for her 2 year old!. Hope this was helpful and good luck!. :-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Shoving pills in your mouth will not work!. At the most, it will give you more energy for a workout!. They are a waste of money!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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