Is it better to eat before or after you exercise?!

Question: Is it better to eat before or after you exercise!?
and tell me why!. Ive heard both answers from many people!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Better is after the exercises!. You may drink a cup size juice sometime before the exercises!. Or a little cookis!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It really does depend on whether you are doing weights or just cardio!. If you are doing cardio then it is alright to eat anything with a few carbs for energy before doing cardio!. But if you are doing weights although yes carbs would be good for energy they are not needed as much as the ATP system is in use!. If you are doing weights YOU NEED to eat after excercise especially protein and fruit for the glycogen this will repair your muscles alot fasterWww@Answer-Health@Com

I would try to eat about an hour or so before eating or at least make it a small meal if closer than that!. I have always read that it is good to take in a good balance of sugar and protein within a 1/2 hour or so after weight lifting!. A tip if you are on a budget or just don't feel like buying all the supplements etc!. Low fat milk has a good ratio of sugars, fat, and protein!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Both because you need a lot of energy from protein and carbs and fat to handle the stress you`re about to put on your body so it dos`nt rob energy from your storage,then at least 1 hour after your workout for muscle repair,if you plan to build natural muscle you have to repair it 24/7!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its better to eat a few hours before exercising or afterwards!.
If you eat a few hours before, it allows for your stomach to digest!. If you eat right before, you are more prone to cramps during your workout!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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