Could a "cheat" day ruin your whole diet?!

Question: Could a "cheat" day ruin your whole diet?
So far I've been able to stick to my diet 95% of the time. I take in about 1200 calories, drink lots of water and exercise every day. However, I really fell off the wagon today. I had Vegetable Lo Mein and Terriyaki beef. Then for dinner I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Obviously today I just said "f*ck it!".

I've read about dieters that have "cheat" days where they eat what they want and don't feel guilty. Well, I feel guilty! Does a cheat day ruin a diet?


No. If you keep cheat days as rare events then they will have little effect and many people think they help them stay on a diet. So, they actually can be helpful. You can't eat enough in a day to really do much damage. 3500 calories = 1 pound. So even if you can eat over 7000 in a day, at most you would gain 2 lbs. and that would also assume you sat around all day and did nothing.

that hardly sounds like a cheat... You must be maintaining minimal weight. Which means you're probably already in shape but following a diet anyway. I'm a guy and I just ate 14 kit kat bars yesterday and haven't gained an ounce. If girls would follow the workouts like the guys then they would all have high metabolism and eat junk all day without gaining anything

(by guy workouts i mean working out with weights.) it raises your metabolism because of the extra muscle mass. Muscle mass requires more calories just to be maintained. So you'll burn more calories even while your sleeping.

I have cheat days. I can eat whatever I want on the weekend. Anything. Not a license to binge, but if I go the whole week with no meat and eating a high fiber low fat diet, on Saturday I get to have a double cheeseburger with fries plus a large shake. Yum. A healthy diet is a lifetime commitment. You'll go crazy and will never be able to keep to it if you don't set aside certain cheat times.

I'm 37 and have been doing this since the birth of my first child at 22. I'm a healthy 130 at 5' 8". And my insides are good. That is what matters. Fantastic cholesterol levels, good blood pressure, under my BMI. And, I have to say that I look good on the outside too. I get hit on all the time.

Not at all. Just make it right the next day and move on. Do not think of a diet as something momentary but as a new way of life you chose and accept the fact that some days you will fall off the wagon, yes, but you can recover from it and keep the good work.

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No. Studies have shown that cheaters actually win in this case because more people that cheat actually lose more weight.

It can, but as long as your caloric intake through out the week creates enough of a margin to cover your cheat day

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