How can I stop being so hungry?!

Question: How can I stop being so hungry?
I'm trying to lose weight and I get hungry around 4pm and I don't want to eat, but I start feeling dizzy and get a really bad headache. I drink sooo much water to fill me up. How can I stop being so hungry?! Thanks!!


Starving yourself won't make u loose weight acutely it will make your body panic if you suddenly lower your calorie Intake, your body will store up fat to live off of. Try eating as much as u need to just eat healthy things like salad and fruit, stuff like that.
Hope I helped!!!

Me lol

To loose weight, its better to eat more!

Get a healthy diet going, and eat small meals every 2-3 hours, you want to eat around 6-8 small meals a day with a good sized breakfast to start. DO NOT eat after around 7-8 pm, (or 2 hours before you sleep).
Starving yourself is the last thing you want to do if your trying to loose weight.

The water thing is good, keep drinking water, but don't over do it!

I'm 14 and I went on a water diet about 6 months ago. Basically it started off as a cutting down foods. Then drinking water when ever I got hungry. I did get terribly hungry but I got used to starving. Which wasn't good. I then practically lived off water. So not long after this started I fainted a lot and became very ill. I still have a slight eating problem but nothing too serious. Trust me don't start that, I became obsessed with it and made me very stressed out and unhappy!

Hey I understand the problems you've gone through trying to lose weight,don't give up my friend was in the same situation as you,when everything was failing he came across the diet solution.He's having great success with it.Maybe this is something which could be very helpful to you also. Well good luck!!!

If you know correct weight loss information and way, weight loss is easy. If you are really serious, you must have easy weight loss way that works for you. I recommend you my weight loss way for you. I lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks and it was very easy. You can do it too. You can find more information from link below.

Eat plenty of fiber and protein. And a really good rule of thumb is to eat several small meals a day, rather than 3 "regular" ones. It will help keep you from being hungry and help keep your blood sugar stable so you don't have those drops.

Wow, eat if you're hungry. If you're experiencing problems, that means you're not eating right. Instead of water try orange juice. Don't starve yourself into medical problems.

Stop starving yourself.

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