How many calories should i eat if i burn 700 calories a day?!

Question: How many calories should i eat if i burn 700 calories a day?
I work out every morning except Sundays. I am trying to lose the last 9 pounds and I'll hit my goal weight.

I've heard many different stories on how much of calorie intake I should have. Thanks in advance. :)


what are you doing to burn 700 calories? are you sure you are burning that many? just because you think you are burning 700 calories it will never all be from fat. too much exercise is counterproductive if you have no idea about your nutrition for the duration of your diet plan.

a reduction of 20% of your daily calorie intake will result in weekly weight loss... how much of that weight you lose from fat, water, or muscle is a whole different question.

you wont know anything until you start tracking the calories from the foods you eat, and to confuse matters more, what you eat will make a huge difference to how much weight is lost (and in what form).

ideally a person needs as many forms of data to compare results to... but in the real world all that really matters when it comes to weight loss is how one looks in the mirror and how their clothes fit! You really don't have to weigh yourself either to be honest... simply using a hip to waist ratio is probably the best way to see how much body fat you are losing. take an honest hip and waist measurement once a week on a diet and it the measurements are dropping, you are losing weight.

6+ years nutritional studies.

how you could/should be eating…

How much you need to eat each day…

Body fat explained…

Weight loss pep talk, also just as important

You would be surprised (or maybe you already heard it) that timing is more important than counting.

You need to keep your metabolic rate high.

I recommend you the following book:

Yes, its a book, and (almost) everybody hates reading, but this is the best invest you will make in your entire life , I guarantee it (just look at the reviews).

That book has a different approach, making small changes to produce big results, and Im a living proof that it works.
It recommends 10 minutes of exercises a day, but you can skip them or substitute by a short walk, the idea is to kick metabolism in the morning.

If you are trying to MAINTAIN weight (not lose or gain weight) eat 700 calories. If you are trying to LOSE weight, eat less than 700 calories.

How do you know if you are burning 700 calories? Is that just exercise calories? What about breathing, and walking around? That also uses calories.

Se dice que una buena alimentación, se basa en comidas que sumen entre 2000 y 3000 calorías .. Siempre dependiendo de tu peso, pero esas son las cantidades mas normales .. Si tu quemas 700 calorías al día deberías consumir entre 2700 o 3000 .
Evita comer demasiadas grasas, azucares pero no las suspendas del todo.
Haz mucho ejercicio, que es BUENíSIMO para el cuerpo, y evita hacer gimnasia abrigada porque con eso transpiras, y solo sacas agua de tu cuerpo...
Toma MUCHA AGUA, aproximadamente 2 litros por día. Evita las gaseosas, toma jugos no muy concentrados, leche , agua .
De más está decirte, que evites comer cosas como mayonesa, chocolates. Si te gustan mucho, en cualquier supermercado cómpralos en forma Dietética, mas conocida como "Light" y come cereales y cosas nutritivas livianas ..
Cada 2 horas come algo, ya sea un yogur dietético, una fruta. Porque no comer durante mucho tiempo, hace que después, tengas MUCHA HAMBRE y te comas todo, entonces trata de evitar eso, comiendo cada dos horas: Queso dietético, fruta, cereales, etcétera ..
Espero que te haya servido

To lose weight you need to consume between 20-25% fewer calories then what you burn...not sure where you got the 700 calories number from, but that sounds low even for a small girl.

a very fit guy

its hard to answer this without even knowing simple details, like male or female, current body weight, body fat index, etc...

Around 1500 :)

At least 1000 calories.

Thats awesome that your almost to your goal! I'm just starting!

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