Can a slow metabolism be inherited?!

Question: Can a slow metabolism be inherited?
I'm a 28 year old male, and come from a large to obese family on both sides. I myself am not obese, but it seems I have to work a lot harder than your average Joe to not pack on the lbs. very, very quickly. I'm exactly 6' 3.75 and range in weight from 219 to 225 depending and take in anywhere from 1800 to 2200 calories a day. Even with that height, and my naturally wide shoulders, If i swing beyond that calorie zone for just a couple days, my weight seems to increase dramatically and to get below 218-219, it seems I have to take in under 1600 calories a day. I would think since I'm a naturally large person I would be able to consume between 2000 and 2400 calories, and still meander my way down to the 205-210 range.
I also burn between 400-850 calories on the treadmill or elliptical 5-7 times a week, plus weight train 2-4 times a week
Is my thinking just wrong as far as my calorie intake, or can it have something to do with an almost non-existant calorie burning metabolism? Are there any prescription drugs that boost the fat-burning metabolism?
Also, I don't take any supplements other than B12 and a daily vitamin, and am not interested in any thermo-whatever fat burner.
Any serious response is appreciated.
Thanks for reading.


Hi JW,
before commencing in any new health regime check with a medical professional.

I understand how you feel. I also come from a "large" family. Although I have read bits and pieces here and there about something named the "fat gene" I don't really believe in just waving my hands in the air and admitting defeat.
Through my own years of torment of trying to lose weight I realied a few things. I was an absoloute pig when it came to eating and above all of that I didn't move my body once, it was just an endless cycle of lots of bad food and sitting on my ***. No wonder I couldn't lose the weight.

Anyways fast forward to now and I discovered perseverance, hard work and rock solid dedication has moulded me into the person I am today.

Basically JW what I'm trying to tell you is there IS a way to make your metabolism crank up and torch those unwanted calories out the window.

Continue to work out but work out HARD, don't be soft on yourself, crank up your routine, change the machines you use at the gym, variety is the biggest key, keep your body guessing, load heavier weights and mix up those exercises too, your body is too smart, keep it guessing!!
Drink lots and lots of water, water is the biggest secret in cranking the metabolism, cold water too this makes your body work harder in keeping your core temparature up ;)

Lastly, keep your food clean, I mean ultra clean. Lots of fresh produce, greens, veggies, salads, lean protein, low fat dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes, brown pasta, breads and rice. Healthy food mixed with an active body makes your metabolism fire up.

I am a certified group fitness instructor, I based this answer on my experience with fitness and health

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