What foods do i stay away from?!

Question: What foods do i stay away from?
I need to lose some fat, but not muscle. I lift weights 5 days a week, and its been going great. I'm afraid that if I go on a diet, I will lose some muscle mass which I need for football next year. Overall, I just need to know what specific foods to not eat, and what foods to eat in order to keep gaining muscle but losing fat at the same time.


I lost 30 pounds in a month just from eating fish and chicken and occasionally I would treat myself to a snack but I mostly ate foods like grilled chicken, chicken cooked with a bit of vegetable oil and vegetables, tilapia (fish) cooked in foil wrap with a little seasoning, grilled tilapia, chicken soup, seafood cocktail, oatmeal, and ate a lot of fruit. I exercised about an hour a day and drank a lot of water. I also quit drinking soda, that has a lot of sugar, and I quit drinking juice high in sugar as well, I drank water only, still do and lost another 10 pounds in 2 weeks by sticking with this diet. Stay away from fatty food AKA fast food restaurants. Do not eat any food that is greasy and not to eat any sweets or a lot of junk food or at all. This helped me a great deal.

I think that if you keep exercising you wont lose muscle but you will lose fat.

Hope this helps.

Try to limit your carbohydrate intake and maximize your protein intake. For example, eat somethin like a banana and a whole wheat bagel a couple hours before your work-out (200-400 calories of HEALTHY carbs) and then have a protein and carb combo after your work-out. Raisins are always a great thing to eat after your work-out because they balance your blood acidity as well as renew your energy. But otherwise, limit your carb intake during the day and try to stick to lean meats, green leafy vegetables, and fruits. Nuts and seeds are also a great thing to substitute for carbs, but I'd check with another source for that one because I don't know if the fat would be very beneficial to you if you're trying to lose weight lol. :P
Plus, try not to binge. Have 5 or 6 small meals a day to boost your metabolism and maintain your energy so that you don't get ravenous in the afternoon and then eat a huge dinner. Just pace yourself; it's pretty simple stuff. And drink LOTS OF WATER; it helps rinse your system.
Lastly, throw on a hoodie or sweats when you work out to help you sweat some weight off. I honestly don't know if this works, but all the wrestler guys at my school do it. It's worth a try!
But remember: LEAN MEATS AND VEGETABLES! These'll guarantee a weight loss. :)

common sense combined with lots of reading :)

Hey , I see you are trying to find an effective way to lose weight. My wife had the same problem, and she was unable to succeed in any program she tried until she found this website.

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Fructose, the sugar in many fruits as well as table sugar, honey, corn syrup is the most lipogenic (fat producing) carb & does not promote fat loss. Fructose creates triglycerides that "trap" fat in fat cells.

For optimal health, I advocate a low carb way of eating. As long as you have <9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control & shouldn't gain weight, no matter the calories, because insulin (the ONLY fat storage hormone) isn't activated.

I personally believe in using fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates. Fat is totally benign in the absence of insulin. There aren't enough calories in vegetables & fruits to fuel the body, if you get enough calories from carbs to fuel the body, then you maintain an almost constant high insulin level with roller coaster blood glucose levels. I recommend fats from butter, coconut, olives, avocados, nuts, fish & meats, chia seeds & flax seeds.

When you restrict higher carb, lower nutrition foods, it becomes much easier to greatly increase vegetables in your diet. Change your mindset just adapt it to low carb -
replace bread with lettuce
replace pasta with cabbage
replace rice with cauliflower
replace potatoes with brocolli

High carb levels trigger insulin which unbalance other hormones, promote inflammation, weight gain, hunger. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones and allow sex hormones (testosterone in men) & human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise.

Carbohydrates trigger insulin, the fat storage hormone. Protein triggers the fat burning hormone, glucagon.

Highly nutritious foods you should consider: avocados, sardines, sprouts, spirulina, paprika, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, garlic, brewers yeast, raw almonds, ground flax seeds & chia seeds.

7 Reasons to Eat More Saturated Fat

1) Improved cardiovascular risk factors

Saturated fat in the diet is the only means to reduce the levels of lipoprotein (a) — that correlates strongly with risk for heart disease. Eating fats raises the level of HDL, the good cholesterol.

2) Stronger bones

Saturated fat is required for calcium to be incorporated into bone - According to expert in human health, Mary Enig, Ph.D., as much as 50% of fat in the diet should be saturated fats.

3) Improved liver health

Studies show that saturated fat encourages the liver cells to dump fat content. Saturated fat has been shown to protect the liver from toxic insults & even to reverse the damage.

4) Healthy lungs

The fat content of lung surfactant is 100% saturated fatty acids. Replacement of these critical fats by other types of fat makes faulty surfactant & potentially causes collapse of the airspaces & respiratory distress.

5) Healthy brain

Your brain is mainly made of fat & cholesterol. Most of the fatty acids in the brain are saturated. The brain needs saturated fats to function optimally.

6) Proper nerve signaling & hormone production

Certain saturated fats, found in butter, lard, coconut oil, function directly as signaling messengers that influence the metabolism.

7) Strong immune system

Saturated fats found in butter & coconut oil play key roles in immune health. Loss of sufficient saturated fatty acids in the white blood cells hampers their ability to recognize & destroy foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, & germs. We need them to keep the immune system vigilant against cancerous cells & infectious invaders.


Plaque build up in the arteries are more attributable to carb consumption than dietary fats, which seems to be the conclusion of the following study. Carb consumption raises triglycerides & VLDL (bad cholesterol). Fats raise the HDL (good cholesterol). High triglyceride levels & low HDL levels are an indicator of plaque, glycation - the precursors to a heart attack and heart disease.

study from the Oxford group examining the postprandial (after-eating) effects of a low-fat vs. low-carbohydrate diet. (Roberts R et al, 2008)

Postprandial lipoproteins, you'd think, would be plentiful after ingesting a large quantity of fat, since fat must be absorbed via chylomicrons into the bloodstream. But it's carbohydrates that figure most prominently in determining the pattern and magnitude of postprandial triglycerides and lipoproteins. Much of this effect develops by way of de novo lipogenesis, the generation of new lipoproteins like VLDL after carbohydrate ingestion.


The link between saturated fats and heart health was based on faulty science & has been disproven. Dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of obesity, heart disease, or any other chronic disease of civilization. Through their direct effects on insulin and blood sugar, refined carbohydrates, starches and sugars are the dietary cause of coronary heart disease and diabetes.


FINALLY they admit - no difference in the risk of heart disease even with highest intake of saturated fat & eggs are a superfood & have no effect on cholesterol


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