Is 200 calories for lunch too much?!

Question: Is 200 calories for lunch too much?
I ate mushroom soup which totalled 204 calories. I feel full but did I eat too many calories? How much calories should I be aiming for in a meal?


That's not too much at all. Actually, the recommended calories in a given meal are 400 calories. Just remember to eat 1200-1600 calories a day.

Listen to your body though. If you feel full after 200 calories, then don't eat anymore. But don't deprive yourself.

each meal should be about 500 calories so three meals combined would be 1500 and then leaves room for snacks. Eating too less of calories isn't healthy.I would suggest to stick with 2000 calorie diet rule because there is a reason why its 2000 and not way lower, your body needs calories so don't cut it short of supply that it needs to function and fight off diseases.

It's too low. My snacks are usually 250 calories! For lunch, I eat 300-400 calories.

No. That isn't even enough actually!

Yes if you are a mouse.

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