How to lie effectively about anorexia?!

Question: How to lie effectively about anorexia?
I'm going to the doctor because my family thinks I'm becoming anorexic. I just eat less and count calories, but whatever. I need to be able to lie about what I eat and that im not doing this on purpose. If I'm diagnosed as anorexic, I'll be off the heart transplant list! Getting a healthy, working heart is more important than treating a stupid eating disorder that I don't even have (I'm 115lbs at 5'9 - far from too thin)
So, how do you lie without someone knowing? How do I explain my weight loss?
And what will the doctor and nutritionist ask me?


you actually are too thin, but that's beside the point. the most important things are:

1. when they ask you if you are concerned about your weight, smile and say "not really, im happy with my weight".
2. when they ask how much/when you eat, say "whenever im hungry, i don't really pay attention to it".
3. when they ask why you've lost weight, say "i've started eating more healthily because i feel like i was putting too much junk food in my body and don't want to have problems later in life".

if you atleast somewhat follow these things, they'll think you have normal eating habits and won't catch you. trust me, i know.

it's amazing what you can hide with a smile and some innocent words.

Just make up foods you have eaten that are high in crap basically
Chips crisps chocolate stuff like that but to be honest if you are anorexic then maybe you should think about getting some advice as if you are going to get a new heart you want to make sure you are healthy etc otherwise you wil have more

For your height I would say u are a little below average but just eat healthily and exercise you don't want to
Make youtself I'll xxxx good luck hope its ok

why don't you eat raw or cooked vegetables? they are the lowest in calories and high in fiber and vitamins. you could easily eat raw or steamed vegetables with no butter or dressing from morning until night and not gain an ounce. that would help to maintain your health and keep your organs from shutting down.

they don't want to waste a heart on an anorexic when it could go to someone else who wants to live a normal life... and i agree with that 100%. why should they bother with you if you're just going to kill yourself anyway?

115 at 5'9"!?! Dude you're anorexic!!!

If you don't want to die, then you must be honest. Lies will continue to hurt you in the long run.

it sounds like ur anorexic
im not gonna tell u how to lie
u need help
ur thin already

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