Please help me be thin?!

Question: Please help me be thin?
Hey guys.
So About a month ago I started fasting and limiting my food intake to about one meal a day.
A typical days food would be
- A homemade fruit icypole
- A piece of fruit
- Whatever we have for dinner but in small amounts and with lots of water so I get full quickly

But I have chronic fatigue so it's super hard to excersize. I manage ten minutes of the highest setting on my excersize bike and 200 crunches a day but that is all.
I feel so gross when I have eaten it's just disgusting. I feel so much better when my stomach is empty but it's so hard when my mum is with me at meal times.

At school I usually fast all day and then eat dinner. I sometimes have a smoothie in the mornign to help me get trhough school.
I also do one twenty four hour fast a week which helps.
I've lost about four kilos in a month so far but I want to lose about five-7ish more...
If anyone has any tips please help <3 xo


Ok u can make your self puke ok by useing your midle finger or just eating to much and than puke just it or get the flu or use a tooth brush ok u want me to help u more her my email it's ok.


Hmmmm my guess would be that u need to become belemic. You should eat as much as u want then puke it up is what this commonly means. If you do this then you are sure to loose weight. If you have any questions feel free to contact lindsey lohan LOL

my but

Im excited about this new weight loss program and if your serious about your weight then you need to try this you will lose weight and keep it off

You have chronic fatigue because you don't eat. Eat a ******* sandwich for christ sake.

Eating what you're eating isn't doing your body any favors. You need at least 1200 calories a day to ensure that you're getting the bare minimum of vitamins and minerals you're body needs. I understand that chronic fatigue must be terribly hard to deal with but you must eat. When you don't give your body enough energy it goes into famine mode and starts storing everything as fat.

If you think you feel fatigued now, not eating certainly won't help. I suggest eating small portions throughout the day, not enough to give you a "full" feeling but just enough so that your stomach isn't completely empty. Try eating 5 times a day and eat a variety of foods that are nutrient dense. Abstain from big meals.

If you're eating enough food and exercising you should be able to lose 1-2 pounds a week SAFELY as long as your calorie expenditure exceeds your calorie intake. I would suggest eating about 1500 calories a day and burning 2000 calories a day. If you can, exercise 10 minutes on your bike 3 times a day because that is the minimum amount of exercise it takes to see improvements in the cardiovascular system which in turn will help you lose weight.

A good strategy in dealing with chronic fatigue is a healthy diet. If you're feeling way too tired to exercise, then don't do it, wait until you're feeling better and then do your best. Good luck.

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