how can you lose fat easily in 1 week?!

Question: How can you lose fat easily in 1 week?
i weigh 123 lbs. i want to lose atleast 30 lbs in 3 weeks with exercise. any tips on how to lose fat in your thighs, butt, belly, sides, back, and waist? oh, and i'm a girl. 5"2


Okay 1 week lets put that aside
Thighs- Walking Is Good, Squats also works the butt area
Belly- Jogging, Walking(a good Distance), Sit ups
Back-Jumping Jacks, Arms Rotations also Works The Back Part of Your Shoulders
Waist- Im Not sure about waiste but same as you'd do with Your Belly
P.s You Have To eat Right
Also Drink Alot Of Water
Not drinking Water is Your Biggest Enemy
Water Helps alot
Also No Salt
Salt Lock up Moisture in your face
That why alot of Fat people have very chubby cheeks, becaus ethey ate something salty now that salt just locked moisture in their face.
so its harder for them to sweat in that area

you can eat how much you like if you stay within these 3 guidelines and still lose fat naturally and gradually. You should lose 10lbs each month on average. only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains, & yogurt..2. drink only water, juice, & milk..3. walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.

(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer ((Very cheap)) and a rice cooker as makes it very easy to prepare healthy meals ,,add a bit of olive oil and pepper, spices on top of steamed vegeatables, fish or chicken to add more taste if wish as these are healthy too.)

The only way you could lose 30 lbs. in 3 weeks is if you started out weighing 500 lbs. and lost a lot of water weight initially. To lose it in fat, and withiout harming yourself in the process, it won't be easy, and expect it to take 4-8 months.

Three weeks is not enough. You would likely loose that weight for 2months. Just have a supervised weight loss programs in order to have an ideal weight you want.

Ummmm Losing that much that fast is very unhealthy and you will end up putting it back on....Look for a better plan. Like eating Healthy and Excercising everyday.

So you want to be in the 90 pound range? THAT'S SICK. Nuff said. Check yourself in.

Eat healthy and cardio run. 30 pounds is alot for three weeks wow

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