How can i fit a good diet and exercise in my life?!

Question: How can i fit a good diet and exercise in my life?
Im 15, freshman in high school and i need to get in shape for summer.. flat abs toned legs all that. i get out of school at 2 and usually get home around 2:45.. soon AAU basketball is starting and i have practice for that mon. and wends.? i think at like 7. and my house.. were not health freaks.. we probably have more unhealthy things than healthy.. so what can i eat all day and what is a good exercise routine i can do to get a nice beach bod lol


I would need to know your height and weight to give you specific calorie amounts, but for now try to stick between 1200-1600 calories (go online to calculate the right amount for your height/weight)

also drink only water, no sugary drinks!
cut the junk food out, only in moderation but for now cut it out completly

i would say yes your flabbiness is probably from mucsle loss, but since you were a competitive gymnast i think you will be able to get back into the swing of things easly.

just eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, and get plenty of exercise in
i recommend 3-6 days of at least 20 min. (cardio like running, swimming, dancing, biking)
and 4-5 days a week do an ab workout

most importantly you have to stay comitted to your diet
eggs, almonds, rice cakes, greek yogurt, oatmeal, grilled chicken, fish, fruits, and veggies are all really good for you, as well as whole wheat breads.
just keep your calories in check (but don't get too obsessive) and exercise regularly :)

Kirsten Answered your question very well. Also if you don't have much time to exercise, you can try this workout that incorporates the majority of muscle groups to give you an effective calorie burning workout. This workout really stimulates your metabolism and your abs. This will workout will take you about 15 minutes. Always keep in mind that a good diet comes first and then exercise. You can find the workout here at

Hi :)
Im also 15 and i last September i weighed 145 pounds and lost 33 pounds and i now weigh 112.
To loose weight it is very simple. Don't listen to diets or plans or anything. Just be natural .
Ill give you my best tips :

-eat smaller and healthier portions throughout the day but more frequently (ex- eat 5 meals a day but make your meals half the size) this will speed up your metabolism and
-drink TUNS of water
-walk every day for 30 min, and also do a 30 min workout thats high impact on the body (dance, ect.)
-Pick 1 day on the weekend and 1 day in the week to take a break from your workouts
-Pick 1 day each week to indulge and not worry about your diet (make sure its only one day a week and it will not affect you at all)
-do not pick at food! Put what your gonna eat in your plate and don't eat anything else! especially when making the food.

Hope i helped:)

You will just have to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Anything worth getting in life requires your honest answer to this question; "What am I willing to change/give up to attain this goal?" Then go out and DO IT. If you just wish and hope or half-*** the effort, you will derail your plans.

Been there

If you're looking to lose weight it is 90% based on your diet alone. Just use common sense when you make something to eat. Avoid snacking on junk foods and stick to fresher, unprocessed foods. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies as well as whole grains. For meat selections go with chicken, turkey and fish. Avoid eating things like marble cheese or white breads because they are packed with calories and nothing good for you. I suggest taking a multivitamin everyday and eating around 1500-1800 calories a day. 1200 is usually too difficult for most people who tend to eat unhealthy. You don't need to exercise much, just try things at home like lunges, sit ups, push ups, etc. Or try going for a run a few times a week. You don't have to hit the gym for hours every day to see results. 2-3 times a week is enough.

Flab is fat, not drooping muscles. I am betting that your diet alone is the main cause of your problems. Exercise will only go so far if you're shoving 3k calories down your throat a day.

Ok this one is a bit easy. This is what i do for a workout in the army.
1. Mon,wed,fri- Do push ups 10 sets of 10-20 depending on how many u can do without stopping. in between each set do 1 set of sit ups. Each set of sit ups should consist of at least 50-60. Do them slowly so ur muscles are getting a good workout.

2. Tue,Thur,Sat- Do a 2 mile run at a good pace that pushes you but not hurts you. If your running and come across a hill run up the hill with the same intensity as running on flat ground. You will be seeing results within a month and a half if you stick to this workout.

As for eating eat pasta or something like that before you go to bed. It replenishes your energy and it will put more meat on ur body that will easily be turned into muscle. Also try eating steak and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or raymond noodles. These will all help you gain the extra build to turn into muscle. This is crucial make sure you drink water whenever you get a chance one glass should be fine even when your not thirsty. i guarantee you will be happier with your body and you will feel great.

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