is dieting against our evolution?!

Question: Is dieting against our evolution?
the body just wants to get fat doesn't it to survive?


The body is built for survival, lower calories & it will slow the metabolism to function on fewer calories & catabolize it's own lean tissues which become a calorie drain.

BUT ... the body doesn't want to be fat, that goes against homeostasis (being normal)

The body needs protein & fat, carbs are optional. Carbs trigger the body to go into storage mode. Carbs were only suppose to be in abundance once a year at harvest. The reason we can eat carbs endlessly is to accumulate enough fat to survive a winter with minimal carbs. Year around highly refined carbs were never a part of the game plan.

As long as you have <9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control & shouldn't gain weight, no matter the calories because insulin, the fat storage hormone is not activated.

There is NO evidence to substantiate the calorie theory. It may sound logical, but the body is built for survival & does not follow logical mathematical equations.

Gary Taubes spent 7 years going over all the studies on nutrition, which is the basis of his recent book "Good calories, Bad calories"

He makes a case based on substantiated scientific studies that -

> Obesity is a disorder of excess fat accumulation, not overeating & not sedentary behaviour.

> Consuming excess calories does not cause us to grow fatter, any more than it causes a child to grow taller.

Excess protein will be converted to glucose (whether you are in glycolysis or ketosis) *unless* your fat ratio is greater than 80% of total calories.

It's been impossible to study high calorie low carb, since protein is fairly self regulating and low carb creates a natural appetite suppression. The highest study I've found is 2600 calories. In one discussion group, the calorie theory was under discussion & one lean fellow experimented on himself & added an extra 2000 calories a day to his normal maintenance level of 2500 calories for a total of 4500 calories a day - an extra 14,000 calories in a week - which according to the calorie theory should add 4# but he lost 1#

Studies have shown that some people can gain fat stores even on a semi starvation diet of 1000 calories a day - if it's composition is high carb, low fat. So obviously, calories aren't the key to fat loss (or gain).

Fat won't make you fat (but a low fat, high carb diet can). Fat is essential to good health. (not including transfats) & supports a strong immune system & helps hormones to function properly. Fat tempers the devastating health effects of carbohydrates. Fat is needed to make the vitamins & minerals in your foods (like calcium & vit.D in milk or alpha and beta carotene and lycopene in vegs) bioavailable so they can be incorporated into the body structure. Most people do better with a higher level of fat than with less, even if the body is being fueled by carbs & not fat.

The body can not release body fat stores until the bloodstream is clear of insulin. Carbs greater than 9grams per hour trigger insulin. Insulin is the only fat storage hormone.

I am adamantly opposed to low calorie dieting because most people lose a good portion of lean tissue (including vital organs like the heart) along with fat stores. Low calories convert dietary protein to a very inefficient fuel, forcing the body to catabolize it's own lean tissues for nutrition. There is no nutrition in fat stores, only energy.

Low calories slow the metabolism to function on fewer calories. Most people get impatient and lower their calories and increase their exercise to a point where they lose so much lean tissue that when they return to what was maintenance level eating they are now accumulating more fat stores because their caloric needs have dropped due to the loss of this tissue and it becomes a vicious cycle of dieting and more loss (including vital organs like the heart) This stress cannot be healthy.
If you eat a diet high in fats with adequate protein & minimal carbs, the body will try to achieve a state of homeostasis (being normal). This includes releasing excess fat stores.

No. Dieting is not against our evolution. It's only because we never used to need it before.
In ancient times, we did not have gluttony or the opportunity to hoard so much food. Now because of agricultural surplus, we are able to have as much as we want. (keep in mind, i'm using time as a long long longggg span).

I even heard of something called "brown fat"...(not sure if its legit or not). Apparently, some kids of the younger generation have it because their bodies are already hardwired to fight our fatness. We're already soo fat, that this brown fat basically eats up the bad fat we have. So, in essence, we're so fat, our fat is getting rid of our fat.

Dunno what you think about it...but excessive amounts of fat isn't going to do anything for our survival.

Yes. In a natural environment we would have limited resources (scatter fruit trees, sometimes a successful hunt) so our bodies would want to take in as much food as they can because you never know when the next meal would be. We would normally have hunger pangs, find a food source, eat till we feel full then continue with our day. The only reason that we need diets is because modern society takes away the struggle to survive, so high fat content food is handed to us, and if our energy in is more than energy out then we slowly gain weight.

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