Do you think I could do the grapefruit diet with oranges?!

Question: Do you think I could do the grapefruit diet with oranges?
I think I could do this diet except for the grapefruit part. lol. Do you think I could exchange the grapefruit with oranges? I like those. :)
Here's the link:…


Hi LIsa,

Always check with a health professional when taking on a new diet/lifestyle choice.

I wouldn't recommend doing any diet really.
The problem with the grapefruit diet etc etc is they aren't a realistic approach to food. What happens is you may initially lose 5 kg and would probably be stoked with that however when you come off eating your grapefruit or oranges and eat normal food once again that weight will slowly creep back on.
What needs to be done is: eat a healthy range of fruit and vegetable, lean protein, low fat dairy and add a little bit of healthy fat and aim for this combination with every meal.

A good guideline goes something like this:

breakfast: oats with blueberries, honey and cinnamon

mid-morning snack: apple and tub of natural yoghurt (don't buy those diet ones, they have loads of sugar and sugar is the real culprit in adding on weight)

lunch: grilled chicken breast with loads of salad e.g mixed lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, capsicum and snow peas, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and cracked pepper

afternoon snack: whole wheat crackers with cottage cheese and some nuts (walnuts, almonds)

dinner: lean steak cut or fish ith loads of vegetables

dessert: (if still hungry) piece of fruit or frozen yoghurt

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