How do you stop overeating?!

Question: How do you stop overeating?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Train your mind-body. Sip a little water, evry time you would like to eat. Make a , a proper timing for breakfast snack time lunch dinner . Go for simple meals, avoid fried, fast foods. Fresh, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, pasta legumes. Controll the size of portions, Intake less calories, compared to the output. Self discipline, self controll, are the secret. Good luck.

Myself, once a month i fast, for 24 hours i drink lots of milk or fruit juice. I give my digestive tract a chance to cleanse itself. I exercise every day.

Try chewing your food longer before you swallow it. Eating slower gives your stomach more time to tell your brain that you are full. Also drink an 8oz glass of water before you eat. It helps make your stomach fuller. If you feel hungry between meals drink a glass of water and wait about ten minutes sometimes dehydration can be mistaken for hunger.

well you simply change what your eating - try eating 1000 calories of protein in one go OR whenever you feel hungry throughout the day and you'll see what I'm on about , it increases fat burning also and your feeling full for MUCH longer than eating a ton of carbs which stimulate even MORE hunger finally ,its burning loads of calories just digesting and from the thermogenic response...

Here's what I do when I feel hungry I drink 2 glasses of water. If after 10 to 15 minutes you still feel hungry then you can go ahead and eat. You won't eat as much because your stomach is already halfway filled with all the water.

Find something that you want to achieve

For example

If you want to be skin very badly you will realize it's more important then overeating and you will have motivation

the above answers are very good, but if none of these works, how about you just stop buying the things that are bad for you in the first place?

i don't overeat, sorry.
is there a reason you overeat?
listen to your body, and make sure you stay hydrated, hunger can be mistaken for thirst.
don't feel bad if you overeat every now and then though.

Try chewing gum and drinking more water. If you feel hungry, drink water first because usually you aren't hungry at all, just dehydrated.

break down the meals into smaller portions . make sure there all equal if ones smaller then the other you will eat more the next time also try to keep yourself busy so you dont think about eating in between meals

The best way is drink a lot of water before you eat it makes you feel fuller also try to mentally convince yourself that you are not that hungry

Water before eating
Do something active like exercising to get ur mind frm it
Chewing slower

Eating slower well as drinking water with your meals

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