How can i start loseing weight?!

Question: How can i start loseing weight?
Something about it makes me love the idea of being good looking for the summer, but i always never do it because i cant stick with it. Im about 5'6 male 190 lbs on the heavy side. I think if i could get around 40 lbs off for the summer i will be pretty good going to the beach with my shirt off


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Maybe find a sport that you enjoy. It might be helpful to enroll in some kind of sports program or join a team because then you're more committed to it.

My suggesting to you is eat healthy. Stay within a 1,700 calorie intake for the day and NO FAST FOOD! You should eat 5-6 portions per day of small servings. No more than 1 meat serving per day and stick with vegetables and fruits, some yogurt is okay too.

Build up your cardiovascular ability. Here is a trick that I learned which helped me build it up. Follow the 3 S's.

Sprinting-> If you just jog your body builds up the strength to be able to handle jogging. If you suck at running than do this, jog for 30 seconds, sprint for 10 seconds, than walk for 1 minute or longer if need be, and repeat. You can run for 10-20 minutes per day until you build your cardio and than do this, jog for 45 seconds, sprint for 15 seconds, than walk for a minute. BTW, you can change that routine to suit yourself.

Stairs-> stairs builds the muscle and melts the fat away. If you put sprinting and stairs together it is unmatchable!

Swimming-> no brainer because it helps tone and makes you lose weight. One day we will harness the ability to combine swimming, stairs, and sprinting at the same time! look out world!

Those coupled with healthy eating will get you down to about 150 by the summer, if done right.

I would also strongly suggest weightlifting. There are many exercises that will help you lose weight as well as build muscle. Things like squats, deadlifts, benchpress, and etc all release hormones which help your body burn off fat.

Hope this helped!

PS, my one friend burned off over 70 lbs in one year just by eating healthy and not eating after 6pm. He is too skinny now IMO but he likes it.

Losing weight can be hard. Losing weight can be easy. Your choice.

Losing weight involves adjusting on or both of the following: Move more and eat less.

It is never a matter of what you do for a day or two, but it's always a matter of the choices you make over a period of time and what they add up to.

The smart way is the slow way. The smart way is the consistent way. The smart way is to start now.

You might check my blog to see you I've approached this - successfully, I might add.

Work out. If you are an adult try a gym or just buy your own weights or something.
If you are a teenager see if there is a gym at your school or try above method to.
This way works for both. Do 20 push-ups, 20 crunches, and 20 jumping jacks everyday for 3 wks. Then like every wk or so add 5 or 10 more. After a few months go 10 push-ups, 10, crunches, 10 jumping jacks, then 9 push-ups, 9 crunches, 9 jumping jacks, and so on until done.

Hope this helps!


Commit to what you set out to do.

Losing weight is HARD work. It will hurt and suck, but after a few months there WILL be a difference.

Eat GOOD food, and less. That is by FAR the easiest thing to do.

But in addition, you NEED to exercise HARD. and CONSISTENTLY.


Go into a gym, do a few weight machines, walk on the treadmill and leave. It's easy but it won't help you. You are essentially COMPLETELY wasting time and money.

Whatever you do, do it well.

When you are working out, and it hurts, and you need to stop, and you can not physically lift one more thing, lift one more thing. Then you know you have done a good job.

You already have one reason "good looking" the second reason "to be healthy"...go for it! Fist: tell your self you really want to loose weight! Second: get a gym membership third: read books about workout plans and healthy foods!... I am 5.7" weight 160...used to be about 180...good luck!

maybe do some running or maybe join a school sport
I suggest dance you loose a lot of weight
but if you dont like dance maybe football or soccer
it helps
but dont ush to far
you dont want to pull a muscle

By not asking these questions and doing something about it.

Jump rope 45 minutes a day you will lose alot

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