How to lose belly fat?!

Question: How to lose belly fat?
Ok I just lost about 18 lbs and I feel great and am happy about my body because my legs and thighs are thin and firm and everything but my belly is really fat. I don't eat junk food or drink soda so its not because of that so is there any way to lose belly fat fast? Like what kind of exercises can I do?


hey there. i'm experiencing the same problem though i think i had seen the desired effects so i suppose i must share them to you as well. well, at first i tried doing some crunches, oblique crunches, leg raises for about 15-25 times per set and i do that for 3 sets with 30 seconds or 1 minute interval to relax the abdominal muscles and i do that for about 4 times a week.. doing those will make your muscles firm in the stomach area but in order to see them, you must burn the fats in those areas.. what i did is i added up some aerobic and cardio exercises (such as walking, jogging, swimming, jumping ropes and even climbing up and down the stairs will do) for they're proven to be better in burning down fats. I do that together with proper diet (less in take of fatty foods, processed foods, more protein and fruits and veggies). well maybe you won't get the result as fast as one week so try to be patient and try doing that for at least a month to see the results.. good luck.. :)

Spot training (that is, losing fat from a specific area of the body) is impossible and was disproven like 50 years ago.

You can't target belly fat, you just have to lose more fat and eventually that will go away.


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