How do I get out of this bad and lazy routine?!

Question: How do I get out of this bad and lazy routine?
I'm in my final year in college, and I only have to go in 3 times a week, and one of those days is just for like an hour. Any way for the past year i've been so lazy I use to be really active I would go to the gym 3 times a week but this year i haven't been in ages. I still lift weights daily but I never do any cardio, i've realized i've put on over 5 pounds this year and I feel i'm going to gain more. I have no motivation to get fit can you please tell me how to break this routine of late nights, eating pure crap and doing no exercise during the day?


(End of my answer...)

Swimming. I don’t go to the gym to swim (and I love sad is that, for lack of motivation?). My deal is not even to swim for 5 minutes, it’s to go there, put on a bathing suit, shower and maybe use the sauna or the whirlpool then go back home if I want to. But always...always...I swim a few laps for half an hour, because I’m THERE and the pool look so inviting when it’s THERE and I’m ready to get in. It’s not so inviting when you’re home and you think...I have to go there, I have to prepare my bag with my swimsuit, my flip flop, my shampoo and conditioner, my body wash, my towels (I use one towel for the pool, one for the last shower, a thick one for the sauna...lots of laundry) my id card, my this and my that...Exercising is so overwhelming because of all the preparation... if I say “I’m going to the Y to swim a few laps”, that really means “I’ll be back in 2 hours”.

Weight training...I don’t use gym weight machines as I do fine as home doing calisthenics and using small weights. My deal there, if I don’t feel like doing it, is ONE exercise...that’s a good deal; I can only do ONE exercise and choose to stop if I want to. But of course, by the time I get all my ducks in a row, my exercise mat, my weight training log (I keep track of my reps/weights), my ThighMaster, my exercise tubing, my metronome (I use it for my tempo)...I do the whole routine willfully.

Just do it...for 5 minutes. And then reconsider and you’ll probably make the right decision by then.

Try taking Multi-vitamins, especially Vitamin B for energy. And plenty fruit, banana's are the best.

You need to do something active at night to stop you staying up late so much, go a run around the block every night, then you'll be tired enough to sleep. Once you get the hang of this you'll find yourself being more active. Just picture how much better you will feel about yourself when your fitter and more energetic, and that should motivate you.

I used to be exactly the same.

Tell you often what you should do and shen to do, and what you should not do.Overcome your mood and eat less,especially at night, and set you getting up time and get up as it.

try to think when you are slim,you can find a handsome boyfriend and also you can put on many beautiful and fashion clothes when you are slim.

in a work, you must make a good plan and finish it.

Go to bed early and get plenty of rest. Go out-of-doors and bring food that you think is good to eat, not junk. Go on a gluten-free diet, as that cuts out nearly all comfort foods. No High Fructose Corn Syrup in ingredients. Going outside more hors per day helps reset your biological clock. If the area is safe walk to different places you want to go to. Eat normal food, e.g., not protein supplements, etc.

walking every you energy

You’re not lazy. It’s just that your cardiovascular system took a nose dive so now everything is harder and you’re not looking forward to the huffing and the puffing. And then there’s always tomorrow. You can start cleaning up your act tomorrow. What’s the rush?
You can only be...not lazy...what is the opposite of lazy? Energetic, busy, motivated, active...if you get some help from your body and not have to endure a sluggish cardiovascular system or worse, not enough muscle mass and strength.

You lift weights daily so at least you’re maintaining your muscle mass. Try to lift weights every other day to allow for rest to be able to push yourself harder and then repair stronger so you can build up muscle mass.

Gaining 5 pounds of weight a year is normal when you get out of shape, especially if you stopped the cardio but kept eating the same.
Each pound of added muscle mass needs 35/50 calories a day to maintain (not even counting the calories for the exercise). It’s 12 to 18 thousand calories a year…it’s 3 to 5 pounds of body fat a year that you would either lose or at least not gain (if you eat it). And that is just for one pound of extra added muscle mass.
Lose that pound of muscle mass (or a couple of pounds) and gain 5 pounds of body fat a year, not even eating more, just because you don’t have to maintain that pound of muscle mass (your metabolism goes down) but you keep eating the same.

Tackle one thing at a time so you progressively get into a good routine. Buy some fruits. Next time you want to eat pure crap...grab for a fruit and eat it while pondering if you should still want to eat pure crap.

I don’t get the “late nights”. What does that mean? That you do not sleep enough? Then have a nap. I’m a night owl myself so I have naps. Either that or going to bed earlier which is pointless if you’re a night owl (then you feel like you have insomnia).

You have no motivation? That’s a big can or worms.

Use whatever works for you.
I don’t use “rewards”, as looking at my improved body and feeling my strength is rewarding enough (I don't like being flabby and feeling weak on a 24/7 basis), but I use numbers. I measure and count calorie intake/expenditure, reps, weights, speed, miles, laps, time, body measurements and weight...and when all my numbers improve, I improve along with them.

Exercising is a much easier decision when you’re 5 minutes into it...

If I don’t feel like using my stationary bike, I make a deal with myself. I’m like...okay, I don’t feel like exercising but I know I should, but then maybe I shouldn’t, just in case my immune system is fighting some bug, but then I don’t know that for sure. But I decide that after my warm up, I will have the choice to stop or keep going, without any sense of guilt (like I should exercise but I don’t and feel bad about this). That’s a deal...5 minutes!
Then I get ready for it. Put on my heart monitor, my gym outfit, and my biking shoes and get all my stuff ready (watch, phone, water, tissue box, lip balm, pen/paper, TV remote, index card with my THR zone) and choose what I want to read or the TV program I want to watch (so it’s not boring).
Once I'm warmed up, I’m thinking...I spent all that time getting ready for it, dressed up for it, prepared all my stuff, I’m watching a good TV program right now, I biked a mile in 5 minutes to warm up and get up to my THR zone and burned 32 calories already and now it’s my decision to keep going or not...well...I’ll keep going and burn 400 calories in an hour at a slow 12.5mph...and I know I’ll feel so good after that, not just good because I exercised and contributed to my cardiovascular health, or because I burned calories, or because I might have gain some strength, but because after 30 minutes in your zone your body starts releasing chemicals to prevent pain so you can keep going. Those natural chemicals (endorphins, epinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, among others) make you feel so good…happy, a point where I usually bike for more than an hour, like 80 to 120 minutes, until I physically run out of blood sugar and need to stop to replenish.

Walking/jogging. If I don’t have the motivation, I also make the 5 minute deal with myself. I get ready for it (I have cute walking/jogging outfits and shoes too) and after 5 minutes walking fast for my warm up, I never, ever, turn around and go back it would be my right, because I have the 5 minutes deal, but I never turned around. I always keep going and it is always a simple decision that I even forget to consider sometimes as I’m doing my workout and not thinking about some deal I made with myself.

(End of my answer coming up next...)

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