Is it ok for a child to eat the core and seeds from apples and other things?!

Question: Is it ok for a child to eat the core and seeds from apples and other things?
Now i know someones gonna say just cut it up but if i do he cries like ive commited a mortal offense and he wont eat it hes 2 so hes a little stubborn....He has issues when i peel his orange but hes come to accept that :D lol....But i just want to know if that is ok? I mean he eats at least an apple or a pear every day if not wont do anything to him will it


It won't kill the kid, but he will probably get constipated because at 2 years old the seeds are too hard to break down from there teeth, im not sure if they would dissolve fully or not in the child's stomach.

If you're going to eat the seeds, make sure that they are being thoroughly chewed before being swallowed. At 2, I would serve the child the apple cut up in small pieces, and not include the seeds. Alternative is natural applesauce if you can't get around that. It's OK, he's not weird, there are many people who are very specific in how their food is prepared, while others don't care at all, it's just his personality. Another thing you could do is introduce the apple slices with a dip, such as flavored yogurt (if he is not lactose intolerant) and see how he responds. You could even add lil sprinkles to make it look like a dessert. If the flavored yogurt has too much sugar you can mix it with plain yogurt, the same thinking as when you would water down a fruit juice that is too sweet.

The seeds may be a bit harsh on a 2 year old's throat, and their teeth are not fully developed yet so he can't break it down.

Aw, I don't know the answer to your question. . .But you sound so sweet asking this!!! :o))


Just take it from him before he eats the core :)

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