Does it hurt Super Fat people to belly flop?!

Question: Does it hurt Super Fat people to belly flop?
Or does the fat kind of... take the impact?


I think to get the proper perspective you have to think this way: a 5'5" woman, 120 pounds falls down a flight of 42 steps . The steps are carpeted and wide. She goes tumbling down lightly and lands on the bottom.

now we will see a 230 pound 5'5" woman fall down the same set of stairs. She is not going to tumble. She is going to go fast and furious and hit every step with lots of body areas ( since she has more ) and she is heavier, causing her to bump each step harder. She lands in a huge whop .

Yes its going to hurt super fat people more to fall anywhere, down. A belly flop will hurt more mass per inch , so that is more body to be in pain and more pain to travel through ( nerve endings ) the fat doesn't protect anyone from the impact, but adds to it.

This is why children fall and bounce back up, and adults do not.

Only when there's no water in the pool. Fat is a natural protection against g-forces.

You ARE science, so cut the dumb Biblical cord, and search Google for the TRUTH.

Nope, makes it worse. More mass and a larger surface area to hit the water :(

A super fat kid that tried to do a flip and failed... horribly

I would think the fat doesn't absort the force that well compared to muscles.

actually yes, even more. fatty areas of flesh are more tender and susceptible to pain

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