can I lose weight by drinking only water,and eating only fruits and vegetables, !

Question: Can I lose weight by drinking only water,and eating only fruits and vegetables, but eating normal at dinner?
Im 17 and im almost 160 pounds, which is the biggest I've ever been, I really really want to lose weight, but I hardly know anything about nutrition and all that stuff. I've just started this today, my plan is to drink only water, eat only fruits and vegetables, run at night, and do some sit-ups before I go to sleep. Lol but I also want to eat regular at dinner time, like chili dogs, chicken, you know, "normal foods" can I do all this and get the results I want? SOMEONE HELP ME, PRETTTTY PLEASSSSE ! =)


hi (: okay, so, you will lose weight if you do that. HOWEVER, after you lose the weight, you're probably going to go back to eating normally for all meals of the day. as soon as you start eating normally again, the weight will come back on instantly.

in order to lose weight & keep it off, it's a little harder, but it works.

^ you have to go on a diet similar to the one you want to do. replace some of the normal foods with fruits & vegetables, & drink water primarily. like, only drink other things as a treat every once in awhile.

& you have to do more of a workout plan.

i have a weight problem too, & for me, the physical part is the hardest, but it's the most important. if you workout enough & efficiently enough, you'll lose the weight, be able to eat more of what you want, & keep the weight off.

try going to a gym. or, at home, you can do my workout plan (:

1. run up & down a flight of stairs 10 times. (up & down counts as one)
2. 50 situps.
3. 50 leg raises.

^ it's cardio, & then it works the upper &&& lower abs for a better result. it's working alright for me (:

good luck !!

first off, it's mostly about how much u eat, not what you eat. u can still eat "normal foods" just eat them in lesser amounts and less often. Also, it's about consistency, MOST people go on a diet and give in within a week. set your goals, and make a timeline, stick to it. DO NOT run at night. run in the morning or early day. running at night will cause u fall asleep later, and will not do any good. same with sit ups. do them early and remember "no pain, no gain" make the sit ups burn. also remember to eat meat and bread with ur veges and u should be good.

i train often

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well yes, but with most diets, people tend to get tired of it and break it.

if you break it you will gain all the weight back.

chilli dogs, and you wanna loose weight? well thats an unhealthy food as is...

cut down on the fats, dairies. unnecessary foods . but don't wipe them out completely, cuz you will crave them.

sit ups will only help your abdominal muscles. muscles, as in it will not eliminate fats that store there, for that there must be all over cardio excercise.

many have said the best cardio workouts are to the point where you cant talk after having worked certain amount or intensity.

water is really good for you, and veggies and fruits are great too, but mostly because besides being vitamins you need to keep your body functioning, its food that may keep you satisfied so you wont eat all this other "bad stuff".

like did you know, many confuse hunger when one is dehydrated?

or that your ... um, urine, should be a light yellow to a white color, or else your dehydrated.

people don't loose water just by peeing or sweating, but by natural body processes like breathing, digestion and talking or sleeping.

exercising before sleeping is also not very recommendable as it pumps up your heart before you go to sleep and that is the opposite of the effect you want.

oh and a balanced diet, like when i cut out meats like fish i would have had to take iron supplemnts and , yuck!!

my brain, which has stored information from two years of sports medicine training, ads from gatorade, powerade, stuff in fitness magazines, fitness blogs, scientific studies, etc. :)

Listen I had the same problem and I'm going to tell you exactly what I did and loss all my weight!

1.) Eat normal sized meals, but not to much where you feel to full.(eat healthy normal meals and have one bad day on like a weekend or Friday)
2.) Keep a journal of what you eat so you can go back and see if you did bad or good that week
3.) Exercise 4 or 5 days a week for about 30 to 45min

See three easy steps!
If you feel that your workouts are getting to easy then challenge yourself a little bit more every week.
BUT there are some days when you don't feel like exercising but that's okay. Just skip that day and do it another day or not at all it wont mess up your schedule , but that's only one day.
AND don't expect to lose 4-5 pounds every week.
It's healthy for your weight to come off slow. I know it doesn't sound great but it's effective.

I hope this helps!!!! Good luck

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