yeahh . i know . i'm fat . helpp?!

Question: Yeahh . i know . i'm fat . helpp?
so today i got tested for like height, weight, vision, and hearing (the normal things), at school. i found out i weigh 160 pounds and i'm 5'3, a girl, age 13. i hate my weight. i just feel fat. i'm not putting myself down. i mean, i love my life right now. friends, classes, about to go into high school. the only thing i hate is my weight. starting tomorrow i'm going to start eating breakfast, lunch and dinner like i should be. probably egg sandwich in the morning, bring lunch to school, and something simple for dinner. starting yesterday i ran on the treadmill. i'm going to do this 5 or 6 times a week to see if i see any progress. is there anything i could do to help lose weight also? and is this a good plan? i also hate wearing jeans. whenever i do, flab hangs over the sides. its horrible. i feel embarrassed. i knowww, love myself the way i am, i doo! but i would like my self more if i could lose some weight i wanted. i only want to start with losing like, 10 pounds at the most. then ill go from there. thanks if you can answer. i know this is long but i'm trying to remember everything.


Oks, let me help you out:

I used to be fat I loose weight with a simply rule:

"Have a breakfast as a king, the lunch as a prince and dinner like a homeless people".

The reason for this is because you need energy in the morning so you can burn almost all calories. But in the evening you can't do that so easily.

My diet was the following:
Breakfast: "2 scramble eggs and 1 toast and 1 glass of orange juice. Some days add a cup of yogurt"
Lunch: "Soup or Fish with salad"
Dinner: "Maybe some tea or grapefruit".

If you're hungry between this you can eat an apple or any fruit.

Drink a lot of water.
Do a lot of cardio.

The only way I know to get rid of the love handles or flab hangs on the sides is reducing your percentage of fat. So you need to combine exercise and diet to achieved this.

Good luck
Hope this helps you a little bit.


You've already got 2 outstanding ideas to get yourself started:
-- eating protein for breakfast - the egg sandwich -- something you enjoy
-- setting a10lb. weight loss goal to begin
Remember to get enough sleep.
As the old saying goes, "Inch by inch, anything's a cinch." Best of luck!

You don't need to change your diet at all. That tactic was created for stupid people. All you need to do is complete a 30min - 1 hour workout every other day. Keep your body active and it will work off the food easily. On the other hand, if you're eating two meals worth in one meal, then perhaps you need to change it a little, but you don't necessarily need to eat healthier.

You should see if your hormones are in check...mabye when you are older though. I like your plan and it is simple but works the best. Many people are bigger than others. I am smaller than most of my friends at school but I still have a nice day. Just don't worry about it too much.

Make the decision to change for yourself. Eat healthier, exercise......if you want to lose weight then you have to start doing these things.

Losing weight is easy. That is important to understand. If you eat "right" - weight will melt away like a snowman in Mexico. The same rules apply for getting a 6-pack!

So what exactly is eating "right?" Traditional schooling doesn't acknowledge the difference between cooked and non-cooked food.

Step 1. Drink more water. Everyone should be drinking 50% of their body weight in ounces everyday. This alone will cure you of many of the common ailments AND give your body the fluids to help dispose of all the waste(fat) you can't seem to get rid of. Make it an absolute priority to drink 50% of your weight in ounces EVERYDAY.

Step 2. Eat more Raw foods. Fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. All raw. Eat all day - always have a raw food snacks on you - and be prepared to eat them. You can find Raw Food recipes all over the internet.

Step 3. Eliminate - white foods, processed food, soda and limit cooked food

My name is Leland and I am new to Twitter and work online as a personal development coach for health and weight-loss. If you would like to exchange Tweets with me come over and see me at
I look forward to Tweeting with you!

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