Is this normal? I'm 5'4, 14, and 138 pounds. Am I an okay weight? Or a!

Question: Is this normal? I'm 5'4, 14, and 138 pounds. Am I an okay weight? Or am I overweight?
It would be cool if you could site sources. okay if not thx


According to the US Department of Health, your general BMI (Body Mass Index) is 23.7. This means your body fat measures at 23.7 percent. And, according to this website, you are in normal range.

There is a more accurate one (in which you enter your birthdate and sex) on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website which you can do yourself by going here:…

From a healthy standpoint, having a normal BMI is very important in reducing your risk for health problems like high blood pressure later in life. If it's your physical appearance you are concerned with, only you can be the judge if you think you need to make any changes.

Best wishes :)

Here is the link to the US Department of Health and Human Services:

Accoding to THe BMI Readings , Ur NOrmal.... (about 23) HOwever, I THink BMI is A LOad of CRAp... Because It DoEsnt AccOunt for MusCLe MAss and BOne density. So Usually, People WIth AThletic Builds aRE considEREd overweight (such AS WrestleRS or FootBALl players) or UnderweighT (SUch AS Runners or SwimmerS). SO, If YOu HAve an ATletic BOdy TYPe, THen Ur Good...... IF NOt..... THen U ARE on the HEavy SIde, and I gueSS U'd Wanna Loose some WeighT THen.

Your right on the money for a healthy weight.

No, you're fine. You're BMI is 23.7.

yee its fine... I am 14 112 and 5'5 but im skinny. That seems like your a bit on the heavy side but dw about it... Your body will grow and you'll be fine. Its not worth it trust me.

your normal weight, check your bmi....... if you gain like 15-20 pounds more though you'll be overweight..

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