Palatal Tori?!


Palatal Tori?

For the past couple weeks I've felt a bump on the roof of my mouth, somewhat close to my right canine. Recently I've noticed it felt a little bony, like a tooth was coming through. I'm going to the orthodontist soon, but in the meantime, I have reason to believe that it's a palatal tori. What I want to know is considering it doesn't really need treatment, and assuming I won't need it removed, will it just stay there forever? Or will it eventually go away? Is it a recurring thing? Thanks.


Palatal torus can be left alone as long as they don't interfer with anything. For instance, if you needed to get a denture of some kind, then the torus can be left alone.
I find it strange that the torus would be so far forward. Usually they are closer to the back part of the hard palate, ie the smooth part up top, not the rough part (rugae) towards the front.
Just for info, if you start developing multiple bony growths, you may have Gardner's Syndrome.

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