Numbness Shot: What to do to make the feeling go away faster?!


Numbness Shot: What to do to make the feeling go away faster?

I just went to the dentist about 2 hours ago to get two fillings. I usually don't get the shots that numb my mouth but this time it was so painful i had to get 5. Is there anything i can do to make this feeling go away faster? I hate this feeling. .and the fact that I'm practically drooling on myself! ugh!


Not much you can do. The anaesthetics usually last 3-4 hours, but there are some that can last 10-12 hours. The time they last is affected by the epinephrine or adrenaline in the liquid that causes blood vessels in the area to constrict, thereby eliminating blood flow in the area. Thus the anaesthetic is in the area longer. Warm fluids in the mouth (not hot because you don't want to burn your mouth while you are numb!) will get the blood flowing in the area faster and help the numbness go away a little sooner.

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