Can anyone help with some wisdom teeth questions?!

Question: Long story short: I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled, and it was the worst experience of my life. Ended up with 2 dry sockets and had the sockets packed with no local. OWW! When I had the packing removed yesterday, the surgeon was in the room for a total of 2 minutes, and said that all was ok. When I rinsed with salt water today, a suture came out. Now I have a black hole behind my lower molar, and have the same immense pain coming from that socket as I did when I first had my dry sockets. After a couple of days with no pain, I am completely depressed to go back to this. I am taking tylenol and hydrocodone, which only takes the edge off the pain. For anyone who has experience with this: Is this pain bc my sockets are open again? Is there anything I can do about it, or do I just have to wait it out? Should I be washing this hole out after I eat? And how/with what? Or will simply washing my mouth with salt water take care of this? And how long does something like this normally take to heal?

Answers: Long story short: I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled, and it was the worst experience of my life. Ended up with 2 dry sockets and had the sockets packed with no local. OWW! When I had the packing removed yesterday, the surgeon was in the room for a total of 2 minutes, and said that all was ok. When I rinsed with salt water today, a suture came out. Now I have a black hole behind my lower molar, and have the same immense pain coming from that socket as I did when I first had my dry sockets. After a couple of days with no pain, I am completely depressed to go back to this. I am taking tylenol and hydrocodone, which only takes the edge off the pain. For anyone who has experience with this: Is this pain bc my sockets are open again? Is there anything I can do about it, or do I just have to wait it out? Should I be washing this hole out after I eat? And how/with what? Or will simply washing my mouth with salt water take care of this? And how long does something like this normally take to heal?

Your story sounds a lot different than mine. When I got my wisdom teeth out, I was actually surprised at how easy I healed. I think the pain is because your sockets are open and since the suture came out, the parts of your gum aren't holding together to re-attach and grow back together. My tooth surgeon gave me this syringe with a pointy, curved tip to wash out the sockets after eating. It flushes the socket and washes away any food left over. Salt water does help keep bacteria from growing around open wounds though. So I would suggest you keep rinsing with that, but don't swash it around too hard. I healed up in less than a week, but it can take up to a couple, depending on the severity (like how much your teeth had grown before you got them taken out).

I can not !!

at 33 years of age and a non smoker, it took me an entire month the feel like normal. i had all four removed and i thought i would die with in the week afterwards. using the curved surynge they give you after every meal will allivate a lot of pain and pressure. the blackness is just blood and the suturesarent meant to stay inforever. if its bleeding profusely then see the doc or a diff doc. but it takes a good while to feel better

i dont think you should rinsed with salt water... it can make the gum cells dehydrated and died. I can caused you more pain when the salt water get in contact with the open wound of the hole.

plain water will be just enough to clean the hole. It is best for you not to clean it with toothbrush or toothpick... it will cause more severe injury..

I would suggest you continue with the medication and wait for it to heal... usually injury in your mouth heal faster than anywhere else...

Hope you will recover soon and enjoy eating the food ... again

I had the same problem when i got my wisdom teeth pulled. Just keep on with the salt water rinse and pain killers and it will eventually heal. Try to stay away from spicy foods or any foods with sugar or spices because that will make it hurt worse. It will take a little while, but they will eventually heal.

I know that wounds in your mouth, especially something back there will take a lot longer to heal that a normal wound simply because it's constantly in contact with other surfaces and moving around.
If your not happy with your surgeons opinion, then I would speak to another doctor for advice. Maybe your local GP? If it is bothering you and you think that there may be something wrong, then don't hesitate to seek medical advice. That's what you pay for at the end of the day. I wouldn't want to hear about you waiting too long and that getting infected!
Hope you feel better soon mate

Your oral surgeon is an idiot!!! Why on earth would he remove the packing??? He guaranteed the return of your dry socket!!!

The BEST treatment for dry socket is to saturate a tiny piece of sterile gauze with dental eugenol and gently place it in the socket. It is completely painless for the patient and it provides relief from agonizing pain virtually on contact!!! If the dressing falls out or the effects of the eugenol (which is basically oil of clove) wears off, the patient should be welcome to return to the office, without an appointment, ANYTIME during office hours for a new dressing, no charge!!!

The dressing will not interfere with healing. Sockets should heal from the inside out. As it fills in the dressing will come out. By that time, you won't need it anymore anyway.

Avoid vigorous rinsing. It can disturb any clotting or healing that is trying to take place.

Take this letter to your surgeon...the "idiot" part and all.

You are confusing in your question. You said "After a couple of days with no pain,..." How long ago was the procedure done? I had mine 'drilled, and chiselled into little pieces, and then the pieces were picked out' I had 'laughing gas', if you know what that is, as an anesthetic... Yes, it HURT... but it HURT to have my wisdom teeth growing toward the front of my mouth, instead of toward the top of my head! I don't know when YOUR stitches are supposed to come out, but YES... there WILL be a black-hole back there... where the tooth/teeth came out... and it will NOT go away over night!!!
If you are having THAT much problem, or that many QUESTIONS, call your surgeon and ASK!!!

i am so sorry that you hurt...
sometimes a dry socket has to be packed several times before it heals completely.... you might try some Red Cross ToothAche medicine until you can get it packed again...
when rinsing (gently) with warm salty water, let the water fall out of your mouth....... do not spit, it can pull the clot out
some people just seem to have problems...
change to ibuprofen, better for dental pain and inflammation...
take hydrocodone, wait 2 hrs and take 600 - 800 mgs of ibuprofen.... this way you can take something every 4 hrs

if you take the message in from health buff (who should be change it to health nutt), you better look for a new dentist..
is he a dentist? or just like to rant and rave??

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