My dentist says I need a Root Canal...but I have no pain. Is he just 'drilling'!


My dentist says I need a Root Canal...but I have no pain. Is he just 'drilling' for money?!?

I like to think I have taken pretty good care of my teeth in my 41 years. Growing up I didn't go to a dentist with any regularity, to my embarrasment. I had braces for nearly 4 years getting them removed just before my senior year of high school.
My first filling was when I was 33 and apparently was fairly deep though he was confident of not getting into the nerve canal.
My current dentist has taken X-rays and has attempted a fairly convincing argument for having a RCT done. He has shown me the films and told me about the gray shaded area being the (alleged) abcess.
To date I have had nothing more than a 'sensation' when I bite down on that tooth and have not had ANY form of pain at all.
He claims if the nerve has died there will be no pain because of that fact.
He took more X-rays yesterday and tells me it 'looks to be worse than last year.' I looked at the films and the bottom of the tooth was not even visible! Another X-ray was not much better! Is he "drilling" for money??


Dentists love to discover gold mines........stand up to them and question them. Let them give you adequate explanation, scientific data to support their recommendations, and most of all tell them that you would be getting a second opinion................see how they hedge!

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