Crest White Strips PAIN?!


Crest White Strips PAIN?

The pain is horrible! I cant eat i cant talk i cant stand this sh*t. I really want to get me teeth whiter and i KNOW i'm not waisting the $30 i spent buying these darn strips. What cna i do? How can i make the pain go away and not have to sacrifice my white teeth?

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2 weeks ago
my gums dont hurt. my TEETH hurt.


what you can do is only use the strips every other day also make sure to wait at least an hour after brushing your teeth before using the strips, as the tubules on the surface of your teeth are wide open after brushing due to the irritation of the toothbrush and one more thing you can do is to rinse 2-3 times a day with a flouride rinse, such as ACT, the flouride helps to lessen sensitivity

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